Thursday, December 17, 2009
Time is of the Essence
We have been learning everyday this year just how precious time is. I know keep mentioning this but it just amazes me how little time we have on this earth. Mark Lowry was right when he told his story of how backwards life is. His story basically says life should start with us arising from the dead and end with us being a twinkle in our daddy's eyes. Oh how nice that would be. Now since it's not we are trying to make the best of it and push forward. Sometimes life does feel like Groundhog day. you know it seems like the same day over and over and over. I know all this will pass but wow life is a challenge.
On a good note we were recently able to catch up with an old friend of mine from PA. It was neat to catch up with her because we haven't seen each other is probably over 10 years, we both are married , and we have children. Life has kind of come full circle in a sense for us. Now, if you knew how we use to treat each other you would understand why this was exciting for me. In fact when I heard her and her husband had move to town I thought I wonder if we could ever catch up and at least say hi. I figured it would be awkward and we probably wouldn't get together again. Then when I heard she just had a little one I figured that kids would be common ground. Well, the meat up was a success. We had a good time talking about the past and it seems like there will be a future friendship. Which is another thing that takes our time but friendships are like anything else that you want to be good at and that is work. Something that is worth the time in the end.
So tomorrow I will get up and do it all again. How about you?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Week of Peace and Fun
Life is blazing by except at the bad times it's then it seems like it's dragging but this week has flown by because well we had some fun and peace.
The fun was when we took a jaunt up to PA to go to my sister in laws baby shower for their first little one. We of course were able to see family and friends that we have not seen in years.
The shower seemed like it went really well and my brothers church seemed to be good host and they were overwhelmed with gifts for the little one. There was alot of pink things going around. So by that statement you can assume that I will be an uncle to a little girl and I can't wait to share stories with her about her dad. Oh we will laugh.
This was also good times for grandmas, grandpas,aunts and uncles to see Bryson. He is growing so much and is at that stage of life where he is becoming so playful. We were able to run around, play on the swing set and play in the leaves at grandma and grandpa Robertson's. Bryson had so much fun. He has never had that much room to run. So it was so much fun for him and us.
I to got to get out and have a little fun. My dad drives a standard Jeep and so I took that out for a little late night spin to visit my brother and watch a horror film at his new house and play with his high strung puggle (half pug and half beagle). It's cute but a little high strung. I also got to take my brothers new bike out for a ride. It was a dream come true. I have always had a route in my head that if I ever got a chance to take a motorcycle for a ride in my home town I would go and I did it. It was a blast and I can't wait to do it again. Who knows maybe next time it will be on my own bike. (Thanks again bro)
Now for the peace. The peace is that we found a good daycare for Bryson. Is it perfect, No. Is it good, yes. They have taken Bryson in with arms wide open and we are having to do less work which in the end gives the wife and I more time. Ok, Nickie has more time because she has less work. It also seems like they do alot of extracurricular activities like to help keep the parents involved so it just doesn't become the place you drop your kids off. They also listen to you when you give your input and not blow you off. It is so refreshing.
I have tons of video and pics to post but I think Nickie beat me to the pics so check out her Picasa pics or if your are friends with her on facebook you can check it out there.
Till the next blog.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Another Reason
Here is a prime example of why we know that it is time to change day cares. We are tired of this type of selfishness. We realize there are things that are hard to do during week because you are working. I would assume if she had a job where she was required to show up everyday or have consequences to pay. Now granted I realize more and more employers try to be flexible. But when I am paying you to do a service you don't pass your responsibilty on to someone else and that is exactly what this lady is doing. This is an actual email that we just got about what she is doing today. Feel free in the comment section below to tell me how you feel and if I am overreacting. Derek D. Robertson Sent from Nashville, Tennessee, United States
"Just wanted to tell you that I have somewhere that I need to be at 5:30 today and wanted to tell you that Wade will be here to watch the boys until you arrive to pick Bryson up. Also, my mother-in-law is on Fall break this week. And, they will be here on Thursday & Friday, and my Sister-in-Law and 8 year old neice will be here Tuesday and Wednesday. Hope you are having a great day and we'll see you soon!"
To me it's just total selfishness and glad that Thursday of this week is our last day. Sent from Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Day Care
Day care is not by any means easy. You have to take your child to a complete stranger and hope to God that they will give it the love you would. Will that happen. No, no it won't. Why you ask and the answer to that is simple. It's not there child. They will never love that child the way you do. Is there anything you can do about it. That is a two fold answer. The first answer is pray and pray hard that you don't have to send your wife into the work force on a full time basis or second at least be able to let her stay home part time. Now, Part time is not the perfect scenario but it is better than full time.
Both are situations that I currently cannot provide. Will I ever be able to. I hope so. I would love Nickie to be able to stay home and watch however many children we have. So that is just why I just have to pray and pray hard that the Lord will direct me down the right path to provide for my family.I don't need a million dollars but a few more than what I got would allow me to do so. So pray for us to be able to move out of this situation.
Both are situations that I currently cannot provide. Will I ever be able to. I hope so. I would love Nickie to be able to stay home and watch however many children we have. So that is just why I just have to pray and pray hard that the Lord will direct me down the right path to provide for my family.I don't need a million dollars but a few more than what I got would allow me to do so. So pray for us to be able to move out of this situation.
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Thursday, October 8, 2009
Creating A Brand
Creating a brand is the last thing I would have thought about when I started blogging. I was just doing it to update my family and friends on what was going on in my life at the time. Well to the ones who cared. It was also just a good outlet to clear my mind and get things off my chest. Because for some reason or another all the people I come in contact with don't want to really talk for some reason or another. They are mostly men and to get a grunt out them your doing good. Unless of course they want to talk to somebody then you can't shut them up. So for me to be able to blog and do all the other social connecting I do is my way of talking without being told to shut up. Also if someone doesn't want to be bothered then they don't read my remarks. Am I offended. Yes when I know good and well that family members are not reading it. How do I know they are not reading them, I bring it up a month later and they say I didn't know that happened. Why didn't you say something? Well I did in my blog. Oh I never read that. I know.
Anyway I started out with branding. The way I look at branding is basically you character. We have been branding ourselves all our life. We all want to create a name for ourselves. I know a lot of people that don't get all the social networking craze. It's like anything else because usually if you don't understand something you don't do it. At the same time lets say you have a mobile car wash company and you need business so you tell all your friends and then they tell all their friends and pretty soon you start getting calls but you still want more business and the local cable company tells you if you advertise with them you will double your business. I think you would do it. So then that explodes. At the same time you say I still can get more business and someone says you need a website but you not only need a website but you need to implement the right tools to make that website turn into a viral fire. See once the word gets out that you provide a good service through all means you have now branded yourself in the way that you want to be known. So be careful what you do and say anywhere because you want to create a good brand.
Anyway I started out with branding. The way I look at branding is basically you character. We have been branding ourselves all our life. We all want to create a name for ourselves. I know a lot of people that don't get all the social networking craze. It's like anything else because usually if you don't understand something you don't do it. At the same time lets say you have a mobile car wash company and you need business so you tell all your friends and then they tell all their friends and pretty soon you start getting calls but you still want more business and the local cable company tells you if you advertise with them you will double your business. I think you would do it. So then that explodes. At the same time you say I still can get more business and someone says you need a website but you not only need a website but you need to implement the right tools to make that website turn into a viral fire. See once the word gets out that you provide a good service through all means you have now branded yourself in the way that you want to be known. So be careful what you do and say anywhere because you want to create a good brand.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Long Time A Coming
Well, it's been quite sometime since I have blogged. Why, well ask my wife. She is a slave driver and has removed my rights from the internet. Well, lilke I would listen even if that was the case. No it's a little boy named Bryson. He consumes way more time than I ever thought he would but at the same time I am learning that investing in him is way more important than a blog. Does this mean this is my last blog for several years. I don't think you are that lucky. I will continue to express myself as much as possible and keep you the reader up todate on what is going on. Of course if you really want to know what I am up to day by day. Well, then you need to click on the twitter icon on my blog. You can also search for me on twitter @DerekDRobertson.
To show you how I value my blogging experience I have purchased my own domain. You can still acess the blog the way you have been but this is all part of my branding. Branding in the sense that I am trying to make a name for myself on the web. Don't believe me google Derek D. Robertson. If I set things up really right you might be able to google Derek some day and see me come up first. Just a thought.
Any ways since it has been awhile I will give you a shortened version of what is going on. First some of you know that I was in the South Nash Dash which was a race in our community to merely bring a name to the area and get the community together. It was a great experience especially since I have not done a 5k in oh 20 years. So that being said I was beat by a mom in a stroller but she had the figure for it (OUCH Honey) I mean it looked like she ran a lot. Any way I not only ran a race but I collected shoes for an organization called Soles4Souls. It was a great experience and I will probably do it again. Only this time I will be more prepared and it will be bigger than this time. To prove what I did check this link out.
So all in all we have been busy and I cant forget Bryson's first Birthday. We made a lot of memories. We went camping with the inlaws and outlaws and had a great time. No blood was shed but thats cause I didn't have my knife on me at all times. We also had an somewhat initmate party at our good friends Steve and Carrie's. Then we had a party basically with our Sunday School class and close friends. Bryson has received enough presents so far for his siblings to come.
So that Is the the short version. You know me I could go on and on.
Good to be back and blogg you later.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Keeping It Simple
Well, I just want to keep things simple. I will be running this weekend in a 5k race. When I decided to do this I thought it would be cool to team up with a charity. Well, the perfect one came along and its called Soles 4 Souls. Little did I know how big they were. I did get a little flack because of some donater had some financial issue but thats just the press. Are they perfect, No. Is it cool that they have given millions of shoes to people across the world who don't have any, Yes.
So this weekend if you could either click the chip in button on the top of my blog to donate money or just show up to my table at the South Nash Dash and give me your shoes.
See you there.
So this weekend if you could either click the chip in button on the top of my blog to donate money or just show up to my table at the South Nash Dash and give me your shoes.
See you there.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Let The Race Begin for Soles 4 Souls
Several Months ago I read a post from Michael Hyatt about a friend of his who had an organization called Soles 4 Souls. There whole purpose was to giveshoes to the needy all across the world. I looked into it and thought that's a pretty neat organiztion because you are not really obligated to give money on a monthly basis or even a one time gift but a pair of shoes that you know you have plenty of in your closet. So when I heard about this community run I said hey I will try to use the race to collect shoes for them so here I go.
So with that said I am going to try to raise funds for them and I will be running a race on September 19 th called the South Nash Dash.
I will have a drop off spot at the race. So even if you don't run the race please feel free to come and drop off your shoes. These do not have to be brand new. Just go through your closet and clean out the old cause you know you want to buy some new ones. You can give new ones if you like I wont stop you.
Now if you do want to give money feel free to. I have set up a widget that will allow you to use your paypal, debit and credit cards. As far as a receipt. I guess I did not due my homework. I will look into that. If your are adiment about a receipt that you gave to a charity feel free to go to their website and maybe you can mark somewhere That I forwarded you there. Not really worried about it. Just as long as you contribute.
A neat little fact that I learned at my tour of Soles 4 Souls the other day is that they operate on 2 percent of the donations. Most operate on 50 percent or more. Thats money management.
Check out Soles4Souls
So with that said I am going to try to raise funds for them and I will be running a race on September 19 th called the South Nash Dash.
I will have a drop off spot at the race. So even if you don't run the race please feel free to come and drop off your shoes. These do not have to be brand new. Just go through your closet and clean out the old cause you know you want to buy some new ones. You can give new ones if you like I wont stop you.
Now if you do want to give money feel free to. I have set up a widget that will allow you to use your paypal, debit and credit cards. As far as a receipt. I guess I did not due my homework. I will look into that. If your are adiment about a receipt that you gave to a charity feel free to go to their website and maybe you can mark somewhere That I forwarded you there. Not really worried about it. Just as long as you contribute.
A neat little fact that I learned at my tour of Soles 4 Souls the other day is that they operate on 2 percent of the donations. Most operate on 50 percent or more. Thats money management.
Check out Soles4Souls
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Summer Madness
This summer has just been some serious madness. We really haven't done anything big but we have been busy. To the point that I have even forgotten my parents and and brothers anniverssary. I literally was laying in bed last night and was just starting to dose off when I realize I was a a few days off on remembering my parents anniverssary and over a week on remebering my brothers anniverssary. After I blurted this out I looke at Nickie and said where i life going. I mean really if I did not have the faith in God that I did I would really question the point of this life. That is just the way I am. I know there are people out there who are cool with just living and dying but I just can't do that. I need more. Thats just the way Iam.
Derek D. Robertson
I mean what fun is it just to come home, eat, play with Bryson for a few minutes and put him to bead. Then clean up from dinner and go to bead. Wow thats a lot of fun. I think we should go for a 3 day weekend. I mean as short as the evening time is I wouldn't mind working a 4 day week at 40 hours to have a three day weekend.
Well big news for this week is that Bryson is starting to balance himself on his own. Which means he will be walking soon. Which will be cool for his first birthday which I am really looking forward to. We are meeting my inlaws, parents and brother inlaws at a camp in Indianna . It will be our summer get away and Brysons celebration with his family for his birthday. Just to show you how God is in the details. My wife called the camp today to see what we would have to pay to come early Friday Morning so we can drive at night and they said nothing. Then they said they would leave the keys for us in the cabin so we wouldn't have to worry about checking in. Now on top of all that we had reserved two cabins a month ago but they were not at all close to each other and the lady realized this and said you know what the people in this cabin have backed out so now I can put your families side by side. It is turning out better and better yet.
Some cool things going on for us lately have been that I got to mix sound for a bennefit dinner last week and the one song writer wrote the big hit for Randy Travis Three Wooden Crosses. It was really cool. that wasn't the only hit writer there that night. THere were two amazing song writers and two ok. That is one mans opinion. The cool thing for Nickie is that tomorrow the 24th of July she will be getting out at noon and going to a spa treament courtesy of work. Ya you and I both wish our jobs cared about us that much.
Happy Blogging and until next time.
Derek D. Robertson
Monday, July 13, 2009
So that others may live...
I was just watching the news, and I caught part of a report
on Michael Jackson . As we all know, Jackson died the other
day. He was an entertainer who performed for decades. He made
millions, he spent millions, and he did a lot of things that make him a
villain to many people. I understand that his death would affect a
lot of people, and I respect those people who mourn his death, but that
isn't the point of my rant.
Why is it that when ONE man dies, the whole of America loses their
minds with grief. When a man dies whose only contribution to the
country was to ENTERTAIN people, the American people find
the need to flock to a memorial in Hollywood , and even
Congress sees the need to hold a "moment of silence" for his passing?
Am I missing something here? ONE man dies, and all of
a sudden he's a freaking martyr because he entertained us for a few
decades? What about all those SOLDIERS who have died to give us
freedom? All those Soldiers who, knowing that they would be asked to fight in a war, still raised their hands and swore to defend the
Constitution and the United States of America . Where is
their moment of silence? Where are the people flocking to their graves or memorials and mourning over them because they made the ultimate sacrifice?
Why is it when a Soldier dies, there are more people saying "good
riddance," and "thank God for IED's?" When did this country become so
calloused to the sacrifice of GOOD MEN and WOMEN, that they can arbitrarily
blow off their deaths, and instead, throw themselves into mourning
for a "Pop Icon?"
I think that if they are going to hold a moment of silence
IN CONGRESS for Michael Jackson, they need to hold a moment of silence
for every service member killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. They need
to PUBLICLY recognize every life that has been lost so that the
American people can live their callous little lives in the luxury and
freedom that WE, those that are living and those that have gone on, have
provided for them. But, wait, that would take too much time,
because there have been so many willing to make that sacrifice. After
all, we will never make millions of dollars. We will never star in
movies, or write hit songs that the world will listen too. We only shed
our blood, sweat and tears so that people can enjoy what they have.
Sorry if I have offended, but I needed to say it.
Feel free to pass this along if you want.
Remember these five words the next time you think of
someone who is serving in the military;
"So that others may live..."
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
I was just watching the news, and I caught part of a report
on Michael Jackson . As we all know, Jackson died the other
day. He was an entertainer who performed for decades. He made
millions, he spent millions, and he did a lot of things that make him a
villain to many people. I understand that his death would affect a
lot of people, and I respect those people who mourn his death, but that
isn't the point of my rant.
Why is it that when ONE man dies, the whole of America loses their
minds with grief. When a man dies whose only contribution to the
country was to ENTERTAIN people, the American people find
the need to flock to a memorial in Hollywood , and even
Congress sees the need to hold a "moment of silence" for his passing?
Am I missing something here? ONE man dies, and all of
a sudden he's a freaking martyr because he entertained us for a few
decades? What about all those SOLDIERS who have died to give us
freedom? All those Soldiers who, knowing that they would be asked to fight in a war, still raised their hands and swore to defend the
Constitution and the United States of America . Where is
their moment of silence? Where are the people flocking to their graves or memorials and mourning over them because they made the ultimate sacrifice?
Why is it when a Soldier dies, there are more people saying "good
riddance," and "thank God for IED's?" When did this country become so
calloused to the sacrifice of GOOD MEN and WOMEN, that they can arbitrarily
blow off their deaths, and instead, throw themselves into mourning
for a "Pop Icon?"
I think that if they are going to hold a moment of silence
IN CONGRESS for Michael Jackson, they need to hold a moment of silence
for every service member killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. They need
to PUBLICLY recognize every life that has been lost so that the
American people can live their callous little lives in the luxury and
freedom that WE, those that are living and those that have gone on, have
provided for them. But, wait, that would take too much time,
because there have been so many willing to make that sacrifice. After
all, we will never make millions of dollars. We will never star in
movies, or write hit songs that the world will listen too. We only shed
our blood, sweat and tears so that people can enjoy what they have.
Sorry if I have offended, but I needed to say it.
Feel free to pass this along if you want.
Remember these five words the next time you think of
someone who is serving in the military;
"So that others may live..."
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Sereal Week
Wow, what a weird last two weeks with all the deaths especially with the death of our local hero Steve McNair. Although from the sound of things he was misbehaving which seems to be Typical for Nashville athletes.
The good thing about this week was that we got Friday off so that was a plus. So Friday we just relaxed around the house and went shopping at Target. Needless to say we wont go there for awhile that place will get you in trouble. At the same time we had a good time shopping. Saturday the 4th we chilled and picked up a little around the house. Then we went to our little book store here in Lenox Village and had free hot dogs, coleslaw , assortment of chips and Ice cream. It was good meeting more of our Neighbors and a local real estate agent who gave us the skinny on things here in the Village. After all the good food and fellowship we headed back to the house. Once we got there we fed Bryson, put him down for a nap, piddle and picked up then once he woke got ourselves ready and headed down to Nolensville for some live music. Unfortunately a storm was heading our way so we packed out bags and headed to the house. That really did not bother us because we can see at least 4 different firework displays from our house.
Now the weekend is almost over and its back to the grind. I am just thankful for the freedom to work I guess. Well you all have a great week and be thankful for your freedom because its guys like my cousin who are over in Iraq away from their wife and children fighting for what theybelieve. Thanks Jake We are very proud.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Week of Craziness
Well as I am wrinting this the world is drawn to the fact that we lost Michael Jackson , Fara Fawcet and ealier this week Ed McMann (sp). Then the local TN news decided to kill Jeanie Seely but they revived her again after they realized she was still alive.
Happy Blogging
Things have been crazy here. I have been putting in some extra hours due to everybody and there brother decides to have their major events this month. So I have been working extra hours which is good for the pocket book.
In amongst all the craziness my bro called to let me know that I would be an uncle. So yes Andy and Emily will be having their first so we are excited for them. Sorry this is a short post but then again that might be good. I hope to get more details of the week and upload some vids to my youtube channel which you can subscribe to if you have an account their and add me as a friend there to. Well time to hit the sack but just wanted to send a little update. Also follow me on twitter and facebook.
Happy Blogging
Sunday, June 7, 2009
My Honey Turned 30
Well I am going to make this post short and sweet because I just want to chill with the wifey but its been like two weeks since I posted anything. So here we go. Sunday afternoon of last week we were chilling when Nickie's mom called and said the Dr. told me to take some time off from work after my knee surgery so your father told me to ask you if I could come down for a week and visit. So of course Nickie yes. I had no choice in the matter. (just kidding mama) So Monday night she flew in and was here for the whole week which it being Nickie's 30th made it much better for her.
Tuesday I had made arrangement with our good friends the Halmark's who is a dentist in Cool Springs Franklin,TN. So right after work I picked up the wife, son, and mama and went to their farm which I could not find with the GPS. So that put me in an awkward situation cause now I have to call him and talk to him in a manner that would not give away who I was talking to. Well we made it there but on the way out of know where Nickie's you taking me horse back riding aren't you. Well way to just take the cat right out of the bag baby. She did guess it but had know idea that it was with some good friends of ours. So still a little surprise left. Then after that we headed back home but stopped for some juicy burgers at Fat Mo's. Of course Bryson was the center of attention. A little black boy who was probably about 7 -8 picked up one of Brysons toys that he dropped and kindly handed back to him. It is amazing how baby's draw our attention and race has no walls. It was a precious moment. Then after our burgers we headed back to the house.
Wednesday I had some thoughts of what I wanted to do for Nickie's dinner but was still brainstorming right up to dinner time. I had the location picked out and had emailed some friends last minute ( not suggested) and two responses so I was thankful. On my way home I thought should I get a cake or take her sonic to get the free floats they promised after 8pm. I went for the cake at Publics and oh my there are some flowers those are pretty I will get those and take them to the restaurant and ask them to put them on the table. So I did I grabbed the cake and flowers and rushed them to the restaurant (Bricks Cafe). I got to the restaurant and started telling the host what I wanted to do and I got the deer in the head light look. I could tell I was overwhelming her. Then to the rescue came the boss Don and he said we will gladly take care of that and will these tables put together over here be sufficient. I said perfect and ran out the door. So I got home showered and headed back out the door with the crew. Nickie was very surprised and seemed very happy and Don and his crew took exceptional care of us. We all walked out saying we will be back. The cool thing is its 2 minutes down the road .
The rest of the week was a little more laid back and just enjoying grandma being here cause that meant I didn't have to get up early and take care of Bryson and help Nickie get out the door. Except for Saturday I got commanded to go take care of Bryson at like 7:30 in the morning . I think my response was what is your mom for. Give me a break I am not quite what you would call the best morning person. Well when grandma did get up I said I will be right back and went to Dunkin Donuts cause you know America runs on Dunkin. Then later on that evening we went to another surprise party for our friend who also turned 30.
Sunday I ran audio for church and the girls came to church later since I had to get there ealier to do my duties. Then we came home and ate lunch. Now,come the hard part we had to take Nickie's Mom to the airport . Well it was hard for Nickie, LOL Then after we said our good byes we headed back to the house to get ready for a Sunday School picnic at a park. Now we were told there was going to be a band but we didn't realize such a big one. Well it was Ryders in the Sky. They are Hillarious. These guys have been signing together for over 31 years . Wow. that is amazing. I mean that is longer than most marriages and longer than most freindships. So now it is Sunday night and I am going to finish out the eve with the birthday girl so good night and happy blogging.
Monday, May 25, 2009
O Lots Of Stuff
Well, its been like two weeks since I have had a chance to blog. The
thing that has held me back the most is the little one. He is all over
the place. He has found his leg strength and is crawling everywhere.
I also have been extra busy at work with the move and doing a church
install and whatever things my boss can think of. I am almost done
with getting the shop back in order even tho my boss thinks it should
have been done a week ago. I got a little defensive and told him he
could do it himself. He started to get a little huffy puffy but I
think he rethought things and realized if I was not doing it it would
be a year or so before he got it to a real working order. The one
thing I am learning the most from him is how not to be a boss. There
is no Branding of any kind , he has never written down a business
plan, and is always changing his mind on what kind of work he wants to
do. He is also against using the Internet to advertise. I really just
think he is scared that he would get a bunch of big jobs and not be
ready for it.
Anyway better things will come. Now onward to more of our life. We are
very much so growing out of our digs but know we are going to have to
wait a little more on that. We are hoping in August which will be the
three year mark that we have owned our third floor condo. We rented it
for like a year and a half before the owner decided to sell it to us.
We are looking forward to getting on a first floor situation.
Like I said earlier Bryson is crawling and getting into everything.We
took him to the Zoo yesterday. I know he did not know exactly what was
going on but by the looks on his face he enjoyed it. We then went to
our friends Brad and Erin Van Denmark for some food and fun. Our boys
had a good time playing together and we have pics to prove it. Like I
said a lot has happened lately and I just can't remember it all. I
think I am going to follow my pastors advice and start journaling. I
think that will help me with my blog as far as remembering what all
Happy blogging
thing that has held me back the most is the little one. He is all over
the place. He has found his leg strength and is crawling everywhere.
I also have been extra busy at work with the move and doing a church
install and whatever things my boss can think of. I am almost done
with getting the shop back in order even tho my boss thinks it should
have been done a week ago. I got a little defensive and told him he
could do it himself. He started to get a little huffy puffy but I
think he rethought things and realized if I was not doing it it would
be a year or so before he got it to a real working order. The one
thing I am learning the most from him is how not to be a boss. There
is no Branding of any kind , he has never written down a business
plan, and is always changing his mind on what kind of work he wants to
do. He is also against using the Internet to advertise. I really just
think he is scared that he would get a bunch of big jobs and not be
ready for it.
Anyway better things will come. Now onward to more of our life. We are
very much so growing out of our digs but know we are going to have to
wait a little more on that. We are hoping in August which will be the
three year mark that we have owned our third floor condo. We rented it
for like a year and a half before the owner decided to sell it to us.
We are looking forward to getting on a first floor situation.
Like I said earlier Bryson is crawling and getting into everything.We
took him to the Zoo yesterday. I know he did not know exactly what was
going on but by the looks on his face he enjoyed it. We then went to
our friends Brad and Erin Van Denmark for some food and fun. Our boys
had a good time playing together and we have pics to prove it. Like I
said a lot has happened lately and I just can't remember it all. I
think I am going to follow my pastors advice and start journaling. I
think that will help me with my blog as far as remembering what all
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Parents visit till Zoo |
Happy blogging
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Movin on up
No, we as a family are not moving but the gent I work with is moving his warehouse space and it is physically 3 feet up from where he is now. We are moving into the space in this warehouse park that is 3 feet higher than the building we were in. It also had a doorway at one time that allowed for you to go from building to building but it has been blocked up but when you go to the other side there is a sliding door.
Sent from Nashville, TN, United States
Bernard Baruch - "Vote for the man who promises least; he'll be the least disappointing."
Last week we started teaming up with our neighbors for this move because they were going to move into the current space we where in. The big problem was they just couldn't close their doors and move. They needed to keep business going because they provide the carpet installation for Home Depot in this neck of the woods. They probably have like 30 installs a day. So we teamed up and put a plan together and it worked. They started shifting things around so that we could start moving in and we did the same and we never hit a hiccup yet. The only thing that I noticed was there delivery trucks didn't get the memo and would back up to what is our dock now to realize they had to move their truck again.
All in all it went well and tomorrow they will move the last girl in the office over to their new building without skipping a beat. Which is exciting for me cause I will be able to set up my office finally.
Now as far as the fam we are just doing our best to figure out this whole parenthood thing. I would say the two most exciting things that happened were Bryson is starting the process of crawling. He hasn't quite figured out how to stay on all fours but he did figure out how to go from his belly to his but. It was quite exciting. The other thing was that our village always celebrates certain holidays and so what Holiday was it. Well, I will give you a hint It was on the 5th of May. Yes, Cinco De Mayo.(sp). So our village had a little shin dig and the exciting thing for us was a night free of cooking. The food was good and provided by Blue Coast Burritos which will be setting up shop in our development which means more temptation not to cook. Cause it was good stuff. Well ,I will work on posting more pics and vids. I might even spit out a blog this weekend. Also feel free to check out my picasa and vids. Also Bryson Boy has a blog to. Feel free to email me for all info.
Till then Happy blogging.
Sent from Nashville, TN, United States
Bernard Baruch - "Vote for the man who promises least; he'll be the least disappointing."
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Can't Keep Up
Well, so much has gone on here at the Robertson house hold in the last month. Nickies parents came in for one week, then here brother and then my parents this last week. On top of all that I have have been packing and moving our warehouse. So I have a bunch of video and pics to post to let everyone else see all the fun.
For now I will just try to recap the week of my folks being here. Monday Nickie and I went to BBC's New and expectant parents dinner which is something the church does every two months. Its nice because we don't have to cook dinner and if we want they have child care. So it's almost like a date night and better yet it's free. They also always have someone come speak and tell us their experiences as parents. It is usually fun,inspiring, and uplifting.
Tuesday and Wednesday were pickup days before mom and dad got here on Thursday. When they did get here dad wanted to go to the Ryman and watch what they call the Opry Classics. I also needed to get the truck to the garage to replace the starter so dad followed me and we dropped the truck off on the way to the show.
Friday I headed home for some dinner with the fam and downtime. Dad and I then went to hear some bluegrass at an unamed place because they adjitated me. The people behind had fowl and loud mouths. After a few hard stares and them not getting the hint I looked the one square in the face and told him to knock it off. I was out numbered 5 to 1.Two minutes later they left. Works for me. Then I went to get a refill which was not free but full price of 3 dollars for a Coke. The only reason I will ever go back is if my dad wants to go otherwise they are not getting my money. So the second half of the show was more enjoyable.
Saturday we went downtown Nolensville,TN for a car show and antique shopping.
Sunday we went to church and then downtown Franklin,TN for the Main Street festival where Grandma and grandpa spoiled us and mainly Bryson.We had some good eats and old school soda. Then in an effort to put Bryson in my back pack carrier I accidently swung him a little to far and he cracked his head on a little mail box on the side of a building. We were a major scene there for awhile because Nickie cried bloody Mary right there on the side walk. Bryson was okay I just don't know if he will let me carry him in the back pack anymore:(
Monday we just chilled after work and then Tuesday I got out of work early and headed to Costco. We just milled around and mom and dad helped stock our cubboards:) Well I will try to post some vids and pics.
Happy Blogging Derek D. Robertson
Fred Allen - "The last time I saw him he was walking down lover's lane holding his own hand."
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Nolensville car show |
Fred Allen - "The last time I saw him he was walking down lover's lane holding his own hand."
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
5 Years Ago Today I moved to Nashville,TN
I can remember it like it was literally yesterday. I was standing in
my parents dining room with my mom in the kitchen and Nickie sitting
in a chair looking at me while I cried my eyes out debating on whether
or not to move to Nashville, TN.
The month before that I had been in a wreck that all who witnessed
were amazed when my car door opened and I got out. I had to volunteer
EMT guys bum rush me and check me from head to toe to see how I was. I
hit black ice on my way to see Nickie. We were mad at each other and I
decided to surprise her and apologize for being the way I was. So I
went to hospital to get a few stitches and glass cleaned out of my
back. All from being sore I was good. The car was not and wish I had
pics to show you. Not pretty. I barely could open the glove box to get
paper work and the only glass left was the front windshield.
So as I stood there both of them told me I needed to go. So I did and
as alot of people do they head to Nashville with a head and heart full
of dreams and very little to no money. That was me. I litterally did
not have enough funds in my account to cover the little deposit I
needed to put down on the apartment I found. I also had no job in
I of course questioned myself the whole way there thinking am I just
trusting you or am I being really stupid. I mean I would at least
think I could get a job in a restaurant. Well in my questioning my mom
called and could hardly talk. She said the mail just came and your
check from the insurance company was in there I will deposit it as
soon as I can. Thank you Lord. So now I will be able to put a deposit
on my apt. Of course my eyes began to flood in joy. So I took that as
a sign I wasn't being stupid.
Well when I got to TN I stayed with a friend till I could get into my
apt which was only two days and if that. On Friday after I got there I
got on line and found new restaurant down in Franklin opened up and
they were looking specifically for Christian people but they knew to
they cant discriminate but the add was in a Christian Classifieds so
when the said they wanted to hire within I figured it out quickly. So
I called and made an appointment for Saturday and got the job. After
the interview the owner asked me if I was involved in a church. I said
I just got there and was going to shop around. He asked me to go to
his and so I did. After wards he asked me to go to lunch and two weeks
later I was already involved with the media team.
Since then I have worked for a landscape company and my current job
doing the Audio, Video and Lighting installation thing. Not, exactly
what I want to be doing but its better than a regular 9-5 and I am not
always doing the same thing twice. I have also done some production
work which of course is all freelance and uness you you just totally
rock their world you get calls for stupid stuff because they have
their main guys and they of course make sure they keep busy before the
new guy.
Also since I have moved here I married Nickie Yarman and we just had
our first child back in September of 08. September 11 to be exact.
Something good to remember on that day.
Well I could write a book on everything and person I have met down
here but this will do for now.
Happy blogging and cheers to me for 5 years.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hey Lets Tweet Up
I know it sounds kind of weird but that is exactly what I did last night. Twitter right now is storming the nation and it's the only social networking that is having these tweet up's. In fact a couple months ago when I started to really get into it I heard they were having a Twestival. It really is neat how not only are we making friends virtually but then we are creating these times for us to physically meet and get to know one another even more.
Last night I got talk to one person who I had met at church and her husband, the next person I talked to was just someone I found on twitter who is a manager for the band Alabaster Box, another couple I literally just met last night and now I follow her on twitter. I also was able to meet one of the host of the tweetup Randy Elrod and his wife. I am currently following him and will probably follow his wife ( hey now clean thy mind up. I will only follow her on twitter). The other host of the party I have actually had a chance to meet one on one and have coffee with. His name is Spence Smith and is the drummer of the band Big Tent Revival which was one of my favorite bands. By the way I got to be with the band on their last tour back in 2000 or there abouts.
So all in all it was a great time and I made some new friends and I hope our non virtual relations grow.
Well not much else going on here. Bryson is growing like a weed of course. He is really sitting up on his own and playing with his toys. He also is rolling over like there is nothing to it.
Ronnie, Nickie's brother is in town checking the sights and catching up with some peeps he knows down here besides us. His schedule is little different but we still see him. We get home, eat, shower, and go to bed. He eats dinner, showers and says see ya later and I have know clue what time he comes in . I told him he doesn't even hold a musicians schedule. It's more like third shift with out the work.
So till next time happy blogging and twittering.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Share This
Well ,I would hope if you are family that you would share this with family members and friends and there friends. You get the point. Well ,anyway I have more than this to share. I have something inside of me that I don't share or don't share very well anyhow.
Now, to the real point. I was going to share what happened to our first day care but I felt this was more important. So forward we go.
I have signed up for this service that I was able to integrate into my blog. It really is a cool concept. I mean with all the different social connection sites out there. I mean this company hit the nail on the head. There is no bookmarking application or social web site that they did not cover. It's simple but yet complicated. below is a snapshot from my blog. See what happens is that you simply click on this little green icon and it gives you a choice of how you want to share with others what you are doing or reading. They even let you save it in their little green share box for me and others to look at later. Now some people opt for an icon that is rotating little pics of different social pages and bookmarks. I just chose to keep it simple and use the companies little green logo thinking it would catch peoples eyes. It worked I can check on stats that the company keeps up for me on my home page of Share this. I will show you later. So what is your point Derek. Are you asking me to Share This. Yes, I am. I want people to know what's going on in our life. So now you have no excuse not to share my blog with others because you can scroll through and find what method of sharing works for you
Now, to the real point. I was going to share what happened to our first day care but I felt this was more important. So forward we go.
I have signed up for this other service called Twitter which I have mentioned before and I am always seeing all kinds of links to other sites with cool information about whatever it is the other person wants me to know. So other people are looking at a sight and they want to share it with others so they will click on the the little green button and chose how they want to spread what they are reading ,watching or listening to. Now, I have a few hundred people that I can reach but some people that I follow on twitter, myspace and facebook sometimes have thousands. So with one click of a little green button they can share what it is they want to share. Which then if someone else thinks what this other person says is cool they then forward that on. I think you see where I am going.
So the other evening I was reading something that I thought was cool and so I shared it. Then went further on to check out my account with the Share This peeps and was checking my stats and thinking this is really cool. At that point I just started to tear up. I thought WOW what a metaphor for sharing the Gospel. I was like wait a second. What if I did just share the Gospel with one person in my life and that person turned around and told one person and............ Whoa what an impact I could have. We'll you know Derek I feel I show God in my walk everyday. Hey, I am not preaching just to you. I am talking to myself here to. So don't get all defensive. You are supposed to share God in your daily walk. We are also supposed to spread the Gospel.
Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach thegospel! - 1 Corinthians 9:16 Youversion.
Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach thegospel! - 1 Corinthians 9:16 Youversion.
person to use this analogy but it sure hit home. Now I hope I can apply it myself. So go out into the world and
Happy Blogging and SHARING THIS
Friday, March 27, 2009
Business leaders find spiritual refuge | | The Tennessean
Please check this out. I have never been interviewed before but I have always heard they dont begin to portray it like you said and I feel they did. This was in the Tennessean. Sweet.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Week of In Laws
Well I am trying something different this week I am always perusing the inter-web looking for cool and new things to check out. So one day Mark Lee of Third Day posted this note saying that he uses this service posterous to make all his post to blogs, twitter and the likes. So I created and account and have just played with it a few times. So tonight I am writing this in my email. I know it doesn't make sense but it does cause all I have to do is open my email client which is simply called Mail for Mac.
So this week the in laws were here and we all had a good time. Of course they had a little extra incentive to come down and his name is Bryson. They had a really good time with him. We let them watch him during the day while we were at work rather than take him to child care.
Monday , Nickie took the day off to hang with her folks and Bryson and I was able to scat out of work a little early and join the festivities. We just hung around the house and enjoyed one another's company.
Tuesday Nickie worked half a day and then we took Bryson to his six month check up. The Dr. said he was doing great. He weighed almost 16 lbs.... and is 27 in. tall. Then later in the evening Pops and I went to 3rd and linsley to hear the Players who absolutely rock. The Players are a group of the A team musicians in Nashville that you have heard a hundred times but didn't know. It's only in Nashville that you can hear these guys live. So we didn't get back in till midnight or better. Then on the way home Pops called Ronnie because he saw he missed a call while we were listening to the band. So when Ronnie answered hello the best he could being dead asleep. Pops said what are you doing? Ahhh sleeping. oh I figured you be up it's only 12:30 am , uh no its 1:30 am. Oops forgot the time change. Although in all reality it wouldn't surprise any of us if he was up. Total night owl.
So on to Wednesday. Nickie took that day off too to hang with her folks and was able to go shopping with her mom and have some time with her while pops hung out with Bryson. Then I got home and found out that Mama and Pops wanted us to go out on a date while they watched Bryson of course. So we did. We wen to Panera Bread and then Target and bought some things with a gift card we had. Then headed back to the home stead.
Thursday We both went to work all day but by the end I was able to catch up with a new acquaintance who is a drummer. He has played for numerous people and Peter Frampton was one of them. So I got to go to a rehearsal with this drummer and then headed home.
Friday we ordered some dinner from Logans and just hung out. Then Saturday we just mosied around while they packed there bags. We headed up to IHOP to get some lunch. We then went back to house to chill for a little snooze. Then we said our much hated good bye's and saw the in-laws of to another time.
So all in all we had a good week. I will post some pics soon but till then happy blogging and being Posterous.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Catch up
Well, this is bad I know but I am doing this at church. (father forgive for I have sinned). lol I am sure he will give grace and forgiveness. I just needed to let all know I tried to do a video blog but youtube said I was to long winded. argh!!!. Anyway I still want to continue on about my Greensboror,NC trip. I also want to post a video on that to.
Last Sunday as you know Bryson was dedicated at church and the media team streamed it on the internet. So alot of family and friends were able to see it. So that was really cool. As far as the rest of the week it went by like a drag racing car. Whew!
Now it is Sunday and in T - 2 hours my inlaws will be in town for the week. McHammer comes to mind right now with We got to pray just to make it today, PRaAAAY. Google the song it will make more sense hearing it. Well I am going to say bye. Have a good week and happy blogging. Oh, by the way up in the top left corner is place for you to sign up for my blogged to be emailed directly to you everytime I write a new blog. So no more having to find the site because it comes right to you.
Happy blogging and social networking.
Last Sunday as you know Bryson was dedicated at church and the media team streamed it on the internet. So alot of family and friends were able to see it. So that was really cool. As far as the rest of the week it went by like a drag racing car. Whew!
Now it is Sunday and in T - 2 hours my inlaws will be in town for the week. McHammer comes to mind right now with We got to pray just to make it today, PRaAAAY. Google the song it will make more sense hearing it. Well I am going to say bye. Have a good week and happy blogging. Oh, by the way up in the top left corner is place for you to sign up for my blogged to be emailed directly to you everytime I write a new blog. So no more having to find the site because it comes right to you.
Happy blogging and social networking.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I really don't know what to title this. I am two weeks behind like the holidays and it's past my bed time. I corumba. It is complete overload on what has happened in the past two weeks so to keep things simple I am just going to mainly talk about our Greensboro , NC trip. I do have pictures of this trip but I have not had time to upload video of the trip. Plus I want to make a small video of the trip.
We had a blast on our short little trip to NC. The reason we went in the first place was because my good friends Charlie and Ruth Jones aka Peculiar People moved there last year and I haven't seen them since. So when they called me and said they needed help with some audio equipment and that know one in there current circle new what they (or at least that is what they told me to boost my ego) were doing I jumped at the chance. Now, the history on Peculiar People is that 5 years ago I called a buddy of mine to see if I could come hang out and check Nashville out.He had moved to Nashville the year before and got a job managing this group called Peculiar People. So when I called he said I got a job for you. So for two Christmas's I went out on the road with this group doing audio and driving . It was one of the best experiences of my life. So when they called and said help I jumped at the chance. See not only are Charlie and Ruth one of the best Evangelical Theatrical groups out there they know how to cook and serve. Charlie is an amazing cook and Ruth serves it up and cleans it up. Together they make you feel like you are at a Five star restaurant.
When Charlie and Ruth were in the Nashville vicinity they hosted what they called Supper Club. I miss them and it dearly. It was a time to always meet new people. I even got to know Buddy Greene who plays a mean guitar, harmonica and wrote the music to Mary Did You Know. Ya so every time I hear that song I see Buddies smile getting bigger. Anyway back to Supper Club. It was just an amazing time. So when I first started going I was all alone and thought I was having a hard time. Then Charlie would get on his throne he called it(no not his toilet) and interview someone. He always said he never interview the new people but he always did because who knows when they would come back. Alot of them didn't but alot of them did. So when Charlie would get on his throne and interview people they would just seem to open up even though Charlie and Ruth were the only ones they knew and sometimes Charlie was the only one they new because they met him in the checkout line that afternoon when Charlie was getting supplies for dinner. Then after his interview I always felt a hundred times better and like I just worshipped God and all I did was listen to someone Else's story. It was always an amazing time and I miss it. I am extremely jealous of the people in Greensboro, NC.
I remember the first time I got to take Nickie to Supper Club. We got in the car after dinner and she said what I said earlier and that she just worshipped God. When I was in NC I asked Charlie the question I would always ask him after the Supper Club and that was when you going to write a book. The stories and meals that we had were irreplaceable. This time I said you need to email all the TN people and ask them to email there favorite stories and foods from Supper Club and do the same for the NC folks. I hope he thinks about it seriously. I am forever grateful for Charlie , Ruth, their dogs and the Supper Club folks for making my life better. Also after dinner we would listen to folks like Buddy Greene play a song or other song writers because this is music city. Then others would read poetry or a paragraph from a book they read.
Well this is really getting long winded so I am going to have make a part two to this just to cover all the basis. So till the next blog.
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Greensboro |
Greensboro Grub,
Peuculiar People
Thursday, February 19, 2009
An Educational week
I am really starting to understand what my parents meant when they said where does the time go. I know I sound like a broken record but it is just going and I just want to enjoy life. I want to go Skydiving, Rocky mountain climbing, and 3.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu. That sounds like words to a good song. Dang Tim Mcrgaw already recorded it ( didn't write it but recorded it. There is a difference).
Well, my head is being attacked by my ADD. There is just so much going on in there. I do really want to enjoy life and it has only taken 32 years plus but I am starting to realize that yes God knows my next step but I have the free will to make things happen in my life. If you want something bad enough you should go after it and although I did move to Nashville for my dreams It is just not a matter of moving. It's putting yourself out there. I have done so but still no major luck. Yes, I am working in the industry but just not exactly the way I wanted to. At the same time I have learned alot of things that I might not have learned had I been able to get the gig of my dreams. Which doesn't make sense but you would understand if you were here but your not so don't worry about it.
Although, I am very passionate about Pro Audio I have found a new habit that will be something that I can do whether I am good at it or not. Now, golfing is fun and hunting and ping pong but I have gone with blogging and twittering(there free) and other social networking avenues. Now, I have compared my social networking sites to others and some of them aren't quite as detailed or full of as much experience but the neat things about sites like Linkd In and Plaxo is that they grow with you. So no I can't get on there and put in a life's worth of experiences because I am only 32. So all in all I just want to encourage you to live life to the fullest. I am just starting to enjoy life. Now I can't say my old tendency' won't come up but it's a goal.
I want to add a link to a blog I have started reading. The author is Michael Hyatt. Mr. Hyatt is a big advocate of twittering and blogging and has just redone his blog. I have been very inspired by Mr. Hyatt in his efforts on his blog because he was using a little more professional service and then found out there was a better service. Now, he and his blog designer have been working countless hours, days and weeks on getting the blog converted from one place to another. It has not been easy but I can hear the excitement in his voice because he knows once all the big kinks are worked out he will have a great product. I enjoy blogging but I am still an amateur and I don't have quite the following he does but I am not the CEO of a major company. So all that to check out Mr. Hyatt's blog. Especially this last one about the economy it was a real encouragement. Actually I have the link to the blog to the collumn on the left. Ha made ya look its actually on the right side. You know the one that has all that gobbley gook that you probably don't ever look at. So please take time which I know you don't have much of but you will enjoy it and my other blogging friends. Now, Mr. Hyatt breaks his bloggs into categories so you know what type of info your getting into. I haven't reached that level yet but I will be working on it.
P.S. Sorry Pops no pics or vids this week guess you will have to read what your son inlaw is up to. So go get your glasses.
Well, my head is being attacked by my ADD. There is just so much going on in there. I do really want to enjoy life and it has only taken 32 years plus but I am starting to realize that yes God knows my next step but I have the free will to make things happen in my life. If you want something bad enough you should go after it and although I did move to Nashville for my dreams It is just not a matter of moving. It's putting yourself out there. I have done so but still no major luck. Yes, I am working in the industry but just not exactly the way I wanted to. At the same time I have learned alot of things that I might not have learned had I been able to get the gig of my dreams. Which doesn't make sense but you would understand if you were here but your not so don't worry about it.
Although, I am very passionate about Pro Audio I have found a new habit that will be something that I can do whether I am good at it or not. Now, golfing is fun and hunting and ping pong but I have gone with blogging and twittering(there free) and other social networking avenues. Now, I have compared my social networking sites to others and some of them aren't quite as detailed or full of as much experience but the neat things about sites like Linkd In and Plaxo is that they grow with you. So no I can't get on there and put in a life's worth of experiences because I am only 32. So all in all I just want to encourage you to live life to the fullest. I am just starting to enjoy life. Now I can't say my old tendency' won't come up but it's a goal.
I want to add a link to a blog I have started reading. The author is Michael Hyatt. Mr. Hyatt is a big advocate of twittering and blogging and has just redone his blog. I have been very inspired by Mr. Hyatt in his efforts on his blog because he was using a little more professional service and then found out there was a better service. Now, he and his blog designer have been working countless hours, days and weeks on getting the blog converted from one place to another. It has not been easy but I can hear the excitement in his voice because he knows once all the big kinks are worked out he will have a great product. I enjoy blogging but I am still an amateur and I don't have quite the following he does but I am not the CEO of a major company. So all that to check out Mr. Hyatt's blog. Especially this last one about the economy it was a real encouragement. Actually I have the link to the blog to the collumn on the left. Ha made ya look its actually on the right side. You know the one that has all that gobbley gook that you probably don't ever look at. So please take time which I know you don't have much of but you will enjoy it and my other blogging friends. Now, Mr. Hyatt breaks his bloggs into categories so you know what type of info your getting into. I haven't reached that level yet but I will be working on it.
P.S. Sorry Pops no pics or vids this week guess you will have to read what your son inlaw is up to. So go get your glasses.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
In Fast Trouble
Well that week has gone fast. I mean I really enjoy blogging but I am having a hard time recollecting where the week went. I know one thing and that is my mom called me as soon as she read the blogg. I mean I knew when I saw her name on the caller id that I was about to ge an ear ful. Although she knows me and knows my humor. That is one side of me that this blog allows for. I can say anything I want and not get in any real trouble because if I were to offend anyone they would quit reading my blog.
Like anyone really reads this but when they do whether they leave a response or not (which by the way is at the bottom of every post) I know if you a have been bad or good. My father inlaw being a generation or two gap away does not understand why I do this. I tell him it's the cheapest form of therapy to smacking his daughter around ( I am soooooo just kidding I would never do that. Now, I might choke her again just kidding, I am so in trouble now) but all kidding aside it is good therapy for me and thats why I will continue to do this wether anyone reads it or not. I just hope none of my old english teachers read it. The computer monitor would be red with sharpie. That's a joke even though most of them were blondes. I never thought of that they were blondes and Mrs. Samson was a good looking one. Ok wake up JR. high is over. So like I said my father inlaw doesn't quite get it and wonders why anyone would want to put their personal information out there on the information highway. Like I am giving away my social or something. Like I said a few generations apart and a hard working blue collar man. Although like most men I can catch him with the pictures and videos. So as long as I keep the pics and vids of his grandson coming he kind of looks at my blog.
Now back to the fact this week has blown by and it probably because Monday we went to a new parent dinner at our church. Which was nice because it was one less meal and a time to feel associated with other adults outside of work. Tuesday was Nickies night so I have to shut off my ADD and FOCUS ON BRYSON. Which is a chore for me. Don't get me wrong I love the boy to death it's just that sometimes completely focusing on one the thing is not easy for me. So when it comes to bed time I am so ready. Each week we do it though it gets better mainly cause Bryson smacks me and says dad put down you Mac and play with me.
Okay on with the week. Wednesday was somewhat of a chill night because we watched several people emabarrass themselves on AI (American Idol) which is always fun. Now it's Thursday which is the new day I attempt to do my blogg and get some extra twittering in otherwise I will drive Nickie nuts. Ah, who I am kidding I do that now matter what.
Well I hope the rest of your week goes well and make sure you set yourelf up with a twitter account. Then after you do that you can forward particular people you want to follow like me to you cellphone and then you really can know what I am up to.
Happy blogging and twittering
Like anyone really reads this but when they do whether they leave a response or not (which by the way is at the bottom of every post) I know if you a have been bad or good. My father inlaw being a generation or two gap away does not understand why I do this. I tell him it's the cheapest form of therapy to smacking his daughter around ( I am soooooo just kidding I would never do that. Now, I might choke her again just kidding, I am so in trouble now) but all kidding aside it is good therapy for me and thats why I will continue to do this wether anyone reads it or not. I just hope none of my old english teachers read it. The computer monitor would be red with sharpie. That's a joke even though most of them were blondes. I never thought of that they were blondes and Mrs. Samson was a good looking one. Ok wake up JR. high is over. So like I said my father inlaw doesn't quite get it and wonders why anyone would want to put their personal information out there on the information highway. Like I am giving away my social or something. Like I said a few generations apart and a hard working blue collar man. Although like most men I can catch him with the pictures and videos. So as long as I keep the pics and vids of his grandson coming he kind of looks at my blog.
Now back to the fact this week has blown by and it probably because Monday we went to a new parent dinner at our church. Which was nice because it was one less meal and a time to feel associated with other adults outside of work. Tuesday was Nickies night so I have to shut off my ADD and FOCUS ON BRYSON. Which is a chore for me. Don't get me wrong I love the boy to death it's just that sometimes completely focusing on one the thing is not easy for me. So when it comes to bed time I am so ready. Each week we do it though it gets better mainly cause Bryson smacks me and says dad put down you Mac and play with me.
Okay on with the week. Wednesday was somewhat of a chill night because we watched several people emabarrass themselves on AI (American Idol) which is always fun. Now it's Thursday which is the new day I attempt to do my blogg and get some extra twittering in otherwise I will drive Nickie nuts. Ah, who I am kidding I do that now matter what.
Well I hope the rest of your week goes well and make sure you set yourelf up with a twitter account. Then after you do that you can forward particular people you want to follow like me to you cellphone and then you really can know what I am up to.
Happy blogging and twittering
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Mom Turns 60
Well Well my mom turned 60 this week and dad turned 61 the week before. It's just hard to believe that they have reached this age. I mean when I was five and someone said they were 60 they had white hair (mom pulls hers out) and false teeth ( I think she is going in for dentures next week). I just don't see all that in my parent's. Well dad is getting pretty white. So all that to say congrats to mom and dad. Keep kicking.( I am power of attorney right? Remember you said if I promised to take you in when you needed diapers again I would get power of attorney)
Last week was an ok week but a long one. Monday was a Monday. I got into work and there was no Internet service due to the fact the people we sublease from decided not to pay the bill. Then I called them to ask why and they started crying because a few months ago they moved out to another building because we sub leasers were taking to much space and they needed more room. So they moved out. Well fine if that's what you want to do. Let me explain how unprofessional these businessmen are. They signed a contract to a warehouse next door a couple of years ago. Then that place got filled up because they saw extra money to help pay the bills but then crowed themselves. Then just this past summer they moved into a third space. So now they have three warehouses that they leasing and subleasing. All the while leaving their phones and fax setup in the first building. So they have the phone forwarded to a cell phone. Then they complain about phone bills. So they cried about the fact that we have our offices over here now so we don't need it over there. Well that's not our fault and to top it off there are three to four other people paying for the internet at 20 bucks a month which comes to 80 dollars which to me sounds steep. Another funny thing is they tried using Majickjack so they didn't have to switch there business line over to the other building and were planning on forwarding their business line to that. Well that bombed because it locked up their computer. So it goes to show you when you run your business from a non traditional way (ghetto, redneck ,white trash way I am trying to be politically correct) it will bite you in the but. So the bill finally got paid and Internet is back but it really messed my day. We have really got our self's in a situation where we really depend on the net.
Now Tuesday I had to go to Chattanooga to put up security cameras in a club. I left for Chattanooga around 7 am and got back to Nashville around 11 pm. Not a fun day. The Wednesday I ended up having to go to Hopkinsville,KY to return and put equipment back in place that was repaired from a lightning strike. The lighting actually traveled down the phone audio and video lines. So it took out a bunch of different things that we had to get repaired or replaced for them to get a check from insurance.
Thursday I was going to jet out early because I have been asked to keep my hours to 4o which is fine and I am just thankful for a job during this hard time. So I am thinking about leaving early and all of the sudden oh you need to go to this club and set up this projector. So again another long day.
Today I had a big day planned and well it did not go at all to plan. I had all these things I was going to do and will probably only get a couple done. Oh well such is life.
Take care and happy blogging.
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Bryson/ Feet |
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Well ,this has been an interesting week. First of all we have survived over a week now of Obama. I am sure he is doing things that I would not agree on but I pray he will do things I like and agree with. I just have to keep reminding myself that Obama is not in charge. He did not create this world and he will not be able to completely destroy this world.
OK politics over. As far as the family we are still here and finding out what teething is. Bryson has two toofers in the bottom gum and one in the top. So we are not getting a full nights rest but at the same time we are blessed because he is healthy and does not have cholic or any other major issues. At the same time this whole teething thing is still not fun for us but we do know it could be worse. So the other night in my efforts to soothe my son to sleep I gave him this medicine that is all natural so the bottle says. So I give him this medicine in the middle of the night. I wasn't soothing him so Nickie comes in because after she gets me out of bed to check on him I have like a minute to soothe him and if I don't she comes in asks what the heck I am doing. It's becomin a routine. So the other night I am giving him the medicine to soothe him and Nickie walks in after I drug our son so I thought. Nickie walks in and says WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I said giving him some medicine. Well let me rewind this a little. Bryson was not wanting to sleep and I suggested giving him the medicine and she blew me off so I thought. So as Nickie continued to try to soothe him and to know avail did she walks in the bedroom and says your turn. Alrighty then I am going in with the plan of drugging him.
Now back to the WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I said since you weren't going to give him the drugs I will. She responded back I already gave him some. OOps! So now what ? Well Nickie starts running around the house banging her head and saying what do I do What do I do? I should have told you that I ended up giving him some. We'll we called the Pediatricians office at three am. They connected us to poison control. Yes, this is poison control? Uh yes one of our patience gave their child to much of a teething medicine what should they do? Well read me the ingredients. Oh okay you can go back to bed now because Disney has fooled you into buying their medicine that is basically candy. What? What do you mean candy , well that drug basically is just a calming agent and does not actually do anything for the pain so give him a teething ring and go back to bed.
We had to laugh when it was all said and done but it was not fun at three am. I was just waiting for Nickie to throw on her coat and drag me and Bryson to the emergency room. Thankfully She did not react that way.
There is good news though I have found a new addiction and it's called Twitter. It's the hottest new drug on the market and best of all it is FREE. Yes, i said free. Okay I am exaggerating about the drug part but if this what a drug feels like hook me up. Twitter is not like facebook or myspace. It can be linked to your myspace , facebook or whatever other social network you are on. The cool thing is you can have these tweets as they call them sent to your phone via text messsages. It has been a blast because a lot of the time I am on my own during the day and so when I get these tweets from various people that I am following it makes me feel like I am still part of this world. Other things you can do is reply to peoples remarks or questions. It's a very interactive social thing and a lot of fun in the mean time. So if you are a Twitter send me tweet.
OK politics over. As far as the family we are still here and finding out what teething is. Bryson has two toofers in the bottom gum and one in the top. So we are not getting a full nights rest but at the same time we are blessed because he is healthy and does not have cholic or any other major issues. At the same time this whole teething thing is still not fun for us but we do know it could be worse. So the other night in my efforts to soothe my son to sleep I gave him this medicine that is all natural so the bottle says. So I give him this medicine in the middle of the night. I wasn't soothing him so Nickie comes in because after she gets me out of bed to check on him I have like a minute to soothe him and if I don't she comes in asks what the heck I am doing. It's becomin a routine. So the other night I am giving him the medicine to soothe him and Nickie walks in after I drug our son so I thought. Nickie walks in and says WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I said giving him some medicine. Well let me rewind this a little. Bryson was not wanting to sleep and I suggested giving him the medicine and she blew me off so I thought. So as Nickie continued to try to soothe him and to know avail did she walks in the bedroom and says your turn. Alrighty then I am going in with the plan of drugging him.
Now back to the WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I said since you weren't going to give him the drugs I will. She responded back I already gave him some. OOps! So now what ? Well Nickie starts running around the house banging her head and saying what do I do What do I do? I should have told you that I ended up giving him some. We'll we called the Pediatricians office at three am. They connected us to poison control. Yes, this is poison control? Uh yes one of our patience gave their child to much of a teething medicine what should they do? Well read me the ingredients. Oh okay you can go back to bed now because Disney has fooled you into buying their medicine that is basically candy. What? What do you mean candy , well that drug basically is just a calming agent and does not actually do anything for the pain so give him a teething ring and go back to bed.
We had to laugh when it was all said and done but it was not fun at three am. I was just waiting for Nickie to throw on her coat and drag me and Bryson to the emergency room. Thankfully She did not react that way.
There is good news though I have found a new addiction and it's called Twitter. It's the hottest new drug on the market and best of all it is FREE. Yes, i said free. Okay I am exaggerating about the drug part but if this what a drug feels like hook me up. Twitter is not like facebook or myspace. It can be linked to your myspace , facebook or whatever other social network you are on. The cool thing is you can have these tweets as they call them sent to your phone via text messsages. It has been a blast because a lot of the time I am on my own during the day and so when I get these tweets from various people that I am following it makes me feel like I am still part of this world. Other things you can do is reply to peoples remarks or questions. It's a very interactive social thing and a lot of fun in the mean time. So if you are a Twitter send me tweet.
I am following a lot of Christian artist personally and different news sources. Its cool because I am able to select who gets forwarded to my cell phone and who doesn't. So go check it out and start twittering your favorite peeps and keep up with what they are doing through out their day.
So happy Twittering and Blogging.
So happy Twittering and Blogging.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Well as you can see I have really been stretching the gap between blogs. It's not on purpose thats for sure. We are just trying to get a handle on this baby thing. It's a wonder this world gets anything done. I mean we get home ,eat dinner, clean up, take a shower and the next thing you know it's time to go back to bed. Now, before Bryson there were nights it felt like that but now it's like everynight. The weekends are basically a time to catch up with the week but you don't want to feel like all you do is work around the house. So you go out and do something and then come home and see the work in front of you and feel guilty for going out and having fun. I know alot of people can let their house go. I can't. I know to that watching him grow is more important than things of this earth. At the same time if we slack we only have a 1000 sq. ft. so you will be tripping on something. Which has me thinking what are we going to do when Bryson is walking? We did talk to the realtor last week but she told us to wait. She said yes we could get a good home for a low price but the sacrifice would be that we would have to take a loss on our home. It would be one thing if we had lived here for ten years or more but with us only owing the house for two years we just haven't paid enough down yet.
Well, this past weekend we did get out and went to an RV show. I am a big fan of RV's and would drive one as daily vehichle if I could. I mean to have all the amenities at your leisure like sattelite so you could watch/listen to the nightly news on your commute home or if your tired of sitting in traffic pull over and take a nap on a mattress that is exactly like home. Another bonus is you can pull over and go the bathroom anytime you want instead of having to hold it for thirty minutes till you get home. I think you get the point. The pros out weigh the cons for sure.
All in all things are trucking along. Nickie has been getting bounced around a little bit because other clinics are short staffed for one reason or another and her clinic isn't all that busy. So I hope that quits soon and her clinic get's more clinetel. I am still working in the trenches for the audio, video and lighting installation company. This to shall pass is what I tell myself everyday. At the same time I am thankful I have a job during these rough times. Bryson is growing like a weed and his personality is growing also.
Well till next blogging sea ya later.
I added some more pics to the christmas album so it's not total deja vu
Well, this past weekend we did get out and went to an RV show. I am a big fan of RV's and would drive one as daily vehichle if I could. I mean to have all the amenities at your leisure like sattelite so you could watch/listen to the nightly news on your commute home or if your tired of sitting in traffic pull over and take a nap on a mattress that is exactly like home. Another bonus is you can pull over and go the bathroom anytime you want instead of having to hold it for thirty minutes till you get home. I think you get the point. The pros out weigh the cons for sure.
All in all things are trucking along. Nickie has been getting bounced around a little bit because other clinics are short staffed for one reason or another and her clinic isn't all that busy. So I hope that quits soon and her clinic get's more clinetel. I am still working in the trenches for the audio, video and lighting installation company. This to shall pass is what I tell myself everyday. At the same time I am thankful I have a job during these rough times. Bryson is growing like a weed and his personality is growing also.
Well till next blogging sea ya later.
I added some more pics to the christmas album so it's not total deja vu
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Christmas 08 |
Monday, January 12, 2009
The New Year
Well, I hope this New Year is a treating you well. Nickie and I have started the new year by starting the process of looking for a new crib . No not a baby crib a big boy and girl crib called a house. Yes, we want a bigger crib which does by the way remind me that Bryson is now sleeping in his big boy crib. We figured we could only bend his knees so long to cram him in the bassonet just so Nickie could keep him close. Any way we are starting the whole house process. We found a sweet lady through Nickies work and she was so hard up for work I mean eager to make money to buy groceries, I mean was very sincere about taking our money. I think really does want to help us find our new crib and sell ours. We are not desperate yet but I am fed up with all our neighbors and the fact that I can reach out and touch them. So we are just praying about it and we know in these tough times God will open the doors.
Bryson is growing like crazy. Last week he went to the DR and she said he was 13lbs. 10 oz. and 24 1/2 in and a good clean bill of health. He has also started teething.
Nickie is enjoying her shorter commute. She can drop off Bryson at Day care and then be at work in 15 minutes. What a blessing.
I am still working the crazy crew that I have been working with for the past 2 1/2 yrs. I have to be careful what I say because I don't know who is reading this.
Well I am feeling lazy and so this blog will be short and not very entertaining.
Happy Blogging
Bryson is growing like crazy. Last week he went to the DR and she said he was 13lbs. 10 oz. and 24 1/2 in and a good clean bill of health. He has also started teething.
Nickie is enjoying her shorter commute. She can drop off Bryson at Day care and then be at work in 15 minutes. What a blessing.
I am still working the crazy crew that I have been working with for the past 2 1/2 yrs. I have to be careful what I say because I don't know who is reading this.
Well I am feeling lazy and so this blog will be short and not very entertaining.
Happy Blogging
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy New Year
It's amazing when you have a child how fast time does really go. I was at New expant dinner at my church before Christmas and the guest speaker was our Senior pastor Mike Glenn and his wife Jeannie. They both took turns explaing what it was like to be parents and the one thing that they both said was that they remeber looking at their boys when they were 3 months and then blinked to see they were twenty five. They also went on to say now when they were going through life it seemed like forever but now looking back they say where did it go.I am totally seeing how this could be so true.
Well we are on to the new year. We had a good trip to PA to see all our folks. We decided to drive up at night so we left the 19th at 9:30 pm and arrived 9:30 am on the 20th at my folks to drop off our first born buddy the cat. Then finished the trip by driving to Nickie's folks.
On Sunday we got tricked into playig Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus. So my parents drove up to see us but had to leave unexpectedly because someone had broken into their home. Now, let me explain how stupid this criminal was. He first of all drove to our house, then broke the front door in, ransacked the house, found the garage key and used the key to open the door. I was like what in the world. To top it all off my dad's laptop was sitting out in plain sight along with my brothers computer. The crook ransacked the house and to this day my parents have not been able to find anything missing. He definitely was one of the worlds stupidest criminals. So thank God he was as dumb as he was because they caught him 5 hrs later. So Christmas was not destroyed. He unfotunately did hit two other homes and got away with 150 dollars from one lady and threatened her with a gun he probably didn't even have .
Another funny thing about this situation was that my sister in law and brother were visting also and had just bought a puppy. So the only reason my mom and dad knew that they got robbed was that she left their church to go let the puppy out. After she let the puppy out and came back in she started looking around and thinking I can't believe my mother in law would leave her house in such a mess. closet doors were open. droors in the kitchen and bedrooms were open and stuff on the floor oh wait this isn't right I better call them. So just as we were going to make our big debut on the stage my mom and dad went running out the door and said we just go robbed we got to go. I was like huh. We had our mailbox hit a couple of times but never was anything stolen. The funny thing was when my sis in law called my parents to let them know what happened my mom asked Emily where she was and she said I am here at the house. Mom said Emily has it ever occured to you that he could still be there. Oh no I didn't think of that. Well then get OUT!!! So anyway all was well.
Well we were able to laugh it all off and just enjoy the family. So mom and dad drove back up to Erie and went to my moms sisters and had their little shindig. Afterwards they stopped in at Nickie's folks to visit and give us all the details.
Monday other than meeting her family for lunch we hung out at her parents all day.
Tuesday we hung at her parents for the most part and then made the trek down to my folks. We stayed there till Christmas afternoon and then headed back to her folks for the rest of Christmas day , Friday, and part of Saturday. Then we went back to my folks for the rest of the day on Saturday. We hung out there till 11 pm and we hit the road jack and we will go back.
So all in all we had a good time. We had a white Christamas so that was nice and both the kids traveled well for being caged up for a day.
Happy New Blogging year.
The Robertsons
Well we are on to the new year. We had a good trip to PA to see all our folks. We decided to drive up at night so we left the 19th at 9:30 pm and arrived 9:30 am on the 20th at my folks to drop off our first born buddy the cat. Then finished the trip by driving to Nickie's folks.
On Sunday we got tricked into playig Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus. So my parents drove up to see us but had to leave unexpectedly because someone had broken into their home. Now, let me explain how stupid this criminal was. He first of all drove to our house, then broke the front door in, ransacked the house, found the garage key and used the key to open the door. I was like what in the world. To top it all off my dad's laptop was sitting out in plain sight along with my brothers computer. The crook ransacked the house and to this day my parents have not been able to find anything missing. He definitely was one of the worlds stupidest criminals. So thank God he was as dumb as he was because they caught him 5 hrs later. So Christmas was not destroyed. He unfotunately did hit two other homes and got away with 150 dollars from one lady and threatened her with a gun he probably didn't even have .
Another funny thing about this situation was that my sister in law and brother were visting also and had just bought a puppy. So the only reason my mom and dad knew that they got robbed was that she left their church to go let the puppy out. After she let the puppy out and came back in she started looking around and thinking I can't believe my mother in law would leave her house in such a mess. closet doors were open. droors in the kitchen and bedrooms were open and stuff on the floor oh wait this isn't right I better call them. So just as we were going to make our big debut on the stage my mom and dad went running out the door and said we just go robbed we got to go. I was like huh. We had our mailbox hit a couple of times but never was anything stolen. The funny thing was when my sis in law called my parents to let them know what happened my mom asked Emily where she was and she said I am here at the house. Mom said Emily has it ever occured to you that he could still be there. Oh no I didn't think of that. Well then get OUT!!! So anyway all was well.
Well we were able to laugh it all off and just enjoy the family. So mom and dad drove back up to Erie and went to my moms sisters and had their little shindig. Afterwards they stopped in at Nickie's folks to visit and give us all the details.
Monday other than meeting her family for lunch we hung out at her parents all day.
Tuesday we hung at her parents for the most part and then made the trek down to my folks. We stayed there till Christmas afternoon and then headed back to her folks for the rest of Christmas day , Friday, and part of Saturday. Then we went back to my folks for the rest of the day on Saturday. We hung out there till 11 pm and we hit the road jack and we will go back.
So all in all we had a good time. We had a white Christamas so that was nice and both the kids traveled well for being caged up for a day.
Happy New Blogging year.
The Robertsons
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Christmas 08 |
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