Well, this is bad I know but I am doing this at church. (father forgive for I have sinned). lol I am sure he will give grace and forgiveness. I just needed to let all know I tried to do a video blog but youtube said I was to long winded. argh!!!. Anyway I still want to continue on about my Greensboror,NC trip. I also want to post a video on that to.
Last Sunday as you know Bryson was dedicated at church and the media team streamed it on the internet. So alot of family and friends were able to see it. So that was really cool. As far as the rest of the week it went by like a drag racing car. Whew!
Now it is Sunday and in T - 2 hours my inlaws will be in town for the week. McHammer comes to mind right now with We got to pray just to make it today, PRaAAAY. Google the song it will make more sense hearing it. Well I am going to say bye. Have a good week and happy blogging. Oh, by the way up in the top left corner is place for you to sign up for my blogged to be emailed directly to you everytime I write a new blog. So no more having to find the site because it comes right to you.
Happy blogging and social networking.