Here is a prime example of why we know that it is time to change day cares. We are tired of this type of selfishness. We realize there are things that are hard to do during week because you are working. I would assume if she had a job where she was required to show up everyday or have consequences to pay. Now granted I realize more and more employers try to be flexible. But when I am paying you to do a service you don't pass your responsibilty on to someone else and that is exactly what this lady is doing. This is an actual email that we just got about what she is doing today. Feel free in the comment section below to tell me how you feel and if I am overreacting.
"Just wanted to tell you that I have somewhere that I need to be at 5:30 today and wanted to tell you that Wade will be here to watch the boys until you arrive to pick Bryson up. Also, my mother-in-law is on Fall break this week. And, they will be here on Thursday & Friday, and my Sister-in-Law and 8 year old neice will be here Tuesday and Wednesday. Hope you are having a great day and we'll see you soon!"
To me it's just total selfishness and glad that Thursday of this week is our last day.
Derek D. Robertson Sent from Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous