The good thing about this week was that we got Friday off so that was a plus. So Friday we just relaxed around the house and went shopping at Target. Needless to say we wont go there for awhile that place will get you in trouble. At the same time we had a good time shopping. Saturday the 4th we chilled and picked up a little around the house. Then we went to our little book store here in Lenox Village and had free hot dogs, coleslaw , assortment of chips and Ice cream. It was good meeting more of our Neighbors and a local real estate agent who gave us the skinny on things here in the Village. After all the good food and fellowship we headed back to the house. Once we got there we fed Bryson, put him down for a nap, piddle and picked up then once he woke got ourselves ready and headed down to Nolensville for some live music. Unfortunately a storm was heading our way so we packed out bags and headed to the house. That really did not bother us because we can see at least 4 different firework displays from our house.
Now the weekend is almost over and its back to the grind. I am just thankful for the freedom to work I guess. Well you all have a great week and be thankful for your freedom because its guys like my cousin who are over in Iraq away from their wife and children fighting for what theybelieve. Thanks Jake We are very proud.