Thursday, April 2, 2009

Share This

Well ,I would hope if you are family that you would share this with family members and friends and there friends. You get the point. Well ,anyway I have more than this to share. I have something inside of me that I don't share or don't share very well anyhow.

I have signed up for this service that I was able to integrate into my blog. It really is a cool concept. I mean with all the different social connection sites out there. I mean this company hit the nail on the head. There is no bookmarking application or social web site that they did not cover. It's simple but yet complicated. below is a snapshot from my blog. See what happens is that you simply click on this little green icon and it gives you a choice of how you want to share with others what you are doing or reading. They even let you save it in their little green share box for me and others to look at later. Now some people opt for an icon that is rotating little pics of different social pages and bookmarks. I just chose to keep it simple and use the companies little green logo thinking it would catch peoples eyes. It worked I can check on stats that the company keeps up for me on my home page of Share this. I will show you later. So what is your point Derek. Are you asking me to Share This. Yes, I am. I want people to know what's going on in our life. So now you have no excuse not to share my blog with others because you can scroll through and find what method of sharing works for you

Now, to the real point. I was going to share what happened to our first day care but I felt this was more important. So forward we go.

I have signed up for this other service called Twitter which I have mentioned before and I am always seeing all kinds of links to other sites with cool information about whatever it is the other person wants me to know. So other people are looking at a sight and they want to share it with others so they will click on the the little green button and chose how they want to spread what they are reading ,watching or listening to. Now, I have a few hundred people that I can reach but some people that I follow on twitter, myspace and facebook sometimes have thousands. So with one click of a little green button they can share what it is they want to share. Which then if someone else thinks what this other person says is cool they then forward that on. I think you see where I am going.

So the other evening I was reading something that I thought was cool and so I shared it. Then went further on to check out my account with the Share This peeps and was checking my stats and thinking this is really cool. At that point I just started to tear up. I thought WOW what a metaphor for sharing the Gospel. I was like wait a second. What if I did just share the Gospel with one person in my life and that person turned around and told one person and............ Whoa what an impact I could have. We'll you know Derek I feel I show God in my walk everyday. Hey, I am not preaching just to you. I am talking to myself here to. So don't get all defensive. You are supposed to share God in your daily walk. We are also supposed to spread the Gospel.

Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach thegospel! - 1 Corinthians 9:16 Youversion.

person to use this analogy but it sure hit home. Now I hope I can apply it myself. So go out into the world and

Happy Blogging and SHARING THIS

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous

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