Thursday, May 7, 2009

Movin on up

No, we as a family are not moving but the gent I work with is moving his warehouse space and it is physically 3 feet up from where he is now. We are moving into the space in this warehouse  park that is 3 feet higher than the building we were in. It also had a doorway at one time that allowed for you to go from building to building but it has been blocked up but when you go to the other side there is a sliding door.

Last week we started teaming up with our neighbors for this move  because they were going to move into the current space we where in. The big problem was they just couldn't close their doors  and move. They needed to keep business going because they provide the carpet installation for Home Depot in this neck of the woods. They probably have like 30 installs a day. So we teamed up and put a plan together  and it worked. They started shifting things around so that we could start moving in and we did the same and we never hit a hiccup yet. The only thing that I noticed was there delivery trucks didn't get the memo and would back up to what is our dock now to realize they had to move their truck again. 

All in all it went well and tomorrow they will move the last girl in the office over to their new building without skipping a beat. Which is exciting for me cause I will be able to set up my office finally.

Now as far as the fam we are just doing our best to figure out this whole parenthood thing. I would say the two most exciting things that happened were Bryson is starting the process of crawling. He hasn't quite figured out how to stay on all fours but he did figure out how to go from his belly to his but. It was quite exciting. The other thing was that our village always celebrates certain holidays and so what Holiday was it. Well, I will give you a hint It was on the 5th of May. Yes, Cinco De Mayo.(sp). So our village had a little shin dig and the exciting thing for us was a night free of cooking. The food was good and provided by Blue Coast Burritos which will be setting up shop in our development which means more temptation not to cook. Cause it was good stuff. Well ,I will work on posting more pics and vids. I might even spit out a blog this weekend. Also feel free to check out my picasa and vids. Also Bryson Boy has a blog to. Feel free to email me for all info.

Till then Happy blogging.

Sent from Nashville, TN, United States
Bernard Baruch  - "Vote for the man who promises least; he'll be the least disappointing."

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous

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