Thursday, July 8, 2010

Time is Tickin Away

Well we are in the home stretch for baby Robertson number two showing up. It's hard to belive that in less than 3 months I will be a daddy again. So far all has gone well with the pregnancy and Nickie has also been doing well physically. She gets tired quicker but that is to be expected.  Nickie was at a Dr's visit on Tuesday right after we got into town from our visit with family in PA. We heard the babies heart beat and all got a clean bill of health.

We were able to get some much needed time with friends and family in PA. It was good to go back to my roots and get grounded. We had a blast just watching Bryson interact with his Grandmas , Grandpas, cousins, aunts and uncles. 

So keep us in your prayers as we are still trying to sell our house, bring this new one into the world and that work will keep steady for me.

Pics and vids to follow of PA trip.

Derek D. Robertson

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