Well this year has been a unique year to say the least. It started out at the end of March when I was notified that I had two weeks of employment left. I don't think that is the norm. It's usually "Sorry we need to let you go and don't let the door smack you on the way out. So I was thankful that I had some time to look for work especially since we just found out Nickie was expecting. It was a bitter sweet as I was not by any means feeling any fulfilment there and he was just abusing the cheap labor that I was. In the mean time I had met the production contractor for Women of Faith and had been told that he was in need of someone. He asked my past experiences and I told him. In the mean time I had picked up some temp work and crew calls for production work here in town. Women of Faith finally called and I got the job. I heard a lot of good about WOF and was excited even though I was not going to be doing my exact dream. So in April we had a few days of set up before the first event and then a week later did the second event. We then took a break for the summer where again I was doing temp work and whatever I could find. Then finally in the fall we started the WOF events up again. Unfortunately after 3 more shows in the fall I got let go. It was nothing personal, just business. I just about fainted. I was sick, and felt like the biggest failure in the world. I of course started asking God a ton of questions. Nickie and I were both in disbelief. It had to be a dream but it wasn't. So back to the drawing board.
Two weeks into the job search I got a direct message through twitter from a friend who did lighting for WOF and was currently on the Road with Steven Curtis Chapman. The message asked me if I wanted a gig and that he might have something. The something was driving a truck for the Steven Curtis Chapman Tour. I of course said yes. It couldn't have been better time seeing how we would soon be in the hospital giving birth to our son Brayden. Was it my dream job no but it was a great way to work with and for a great group of people. So the night that Brayden was born I took off on my first date of the SCC tour.Then for two months of my life I got to tour with SCC. Will I get to work for him again? I don't know but I do know that I made some new friends and more connections into the industry.
It definitley has been a trying year in more ways than one but after touring with the Chapmans knowing what they have gone through I was reminded everyday how big of a God I serve.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
How Are You?
How are you? I never really hear from you. I give you multiple ways to connect with me but for whatever you choose not to. When I write my blog it goes to mulitlple place to make it as accessible as possible so you can't say well I didn't know that happened. I also make multiple post on twitter which also goes to multiple sites like facebook, linkedin,myspace, buzz and multiple other places. I am very accessible. So why is it that you still don't try to connect with me. You have a phone ,you have a computer and you might even have a phone that can access this digital info. So you say well I am to busy. I find that hard to believe. You have access to the web, and I know you are on there it's just obviously not that much of a priority. So please commment on my blog, facebook and twitter. If this sounds like I am begging, well I am not. I just will not take the excuse that you don't know what's going on in my life. Does this sound like friends and family of yours. I am sure it is. I believe it boils down to a priority and obviously you and I are not a priority. In this digital age it does not take long to just drop someone a message. So don't you be that person either.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wow, Been Awhile
To all my adoring fans I am so sorry that I have left you sitting there waiting for that email saying that I have posted another blog or your RSS feed for that matter. Needless to say my life has been a whirlwind lately. This past winter Iost my job but picked up another one with Go Live Productions. They are contracted by Women of Faith to do all their production work. It was somewhat of a dream come true. I got to be in the production world that I have such a huge heart and passion for. We only had two gigs in the spring and then nothing till this fall. Once the fall hit I did three shows before i got a phone call saying "Sorry but this isn't gonna work." Nothing personal it's just business. Those where some very hard words to hear. So as I wallowed in self-pity and felt like I was the biggest loser I got a Direct Message through twitter from the lighting designer of Women of Faith, he also just finished a tour with Keith Urban and now was out with Steven Curtis Chapman. His direct message said. "Want a job? I might have something for you" and he did. The job is not the most glorious job in the world but it's with the greatest group of people. Drum Roll please............ It is for Steven Curtis Chapman. They started out hauling everything around in trailers attached to the bus's. Money wise it was a great idea but when SCC would not want to show up to the venue till a few hours before the show or or would have to go to another town and a do Women of Faith show it got real sticky. So they put their brains together and said all the gear would fit into a box truck. So thats where I come in. So in the midst of losing a job God was putting another one together for me. Now for the whip cream. The very first show I showed up to I met a crew member who was just filling in for the normal guy and was normally out with Mandissa. The following week instead of me tracking him down on facebook he found me. A few weeks later he came back out on the tour and was filling in again. While we were waiting for the go ahead to unload the truck he said hey I liked to talk to you about something. He went on to say that due to a another well know manager / sound-guy leaving the industry there were some holes to fill and he would like to help me be the one to fill those holes. I was just blown away because literally the night before I was thinking to myself I want to catch up with this guy after the tour and see if he knew of any possible work or was willing to help me get more established in the industry. It was just so refreshing to have someone come to me vs. me tracking them down.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Collecting Shoes
Well, I am doing again what I did last year and that is collecting shoes for Soles4Souls. Last year tho was probably more out of selfishness in the sense I knew I would need as much motivation to run a 5k as possible since I hadn't run one since I was 10. So after reading a tweet from @MichaelHyatt who is the CEO of Thomas Nelson Book publishers about this great organization I just thought the shoe fit ( pun intended.) So I started tweeting and adding post to facebook thinking it would be really easy to get people to walk into their closets grab some old shoes and bring them to the race or after the race people would just drop by the booth and drop of their shoes on their feet .I was proven wrong but not discouraged. I was able to collect shoes but just cause it's a race and you are running for a good cause does not mean the people are going to show up in droves. I unfortunately got a lot of I did not know you were going to be here, or I just gave all mine to Good Will. So it was a little frustrating. At the same time I really enjoyed doing this ,met some great people, had some great conversations and my wife even said for the first time today I saw you in your element. So who knows where collecting something as simple as a pair of shoes could lead me. I am currently looking for employment with a possible job in the wing but who knows where all my experiences will take me.
So I ask you to go into your closet , grab any shoes you know you will never wear, come out to the Menchies South Nash Dash, run , walk, stroll with your baby or dog, just have a good time ,come to me to drop off your shoes, hang out and have some good conversations.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
5 weeks till Baby R
Wow, It's hard to belive in this day and age that God felt secure in Nickie and I that we needed another child in our lives right now. We get excited at times and at times start pulling our hair and banging our heads. This was not our plan but it was Gods plan. So I feel God has a sense of humor a ,knows what we are capable of and is shaping and molding us for bigger things. Why do I say a sense of humor. Well, it's because we are three floors up in a 2 bed 1 bath condo that is currently for sale but no offers as of yet. So, you can only imagine how fun things will get when family starts coming into town. So during this unique times of our lives we appreciate any and all prayers. Also keep Nickie in mind as she has a little more work on her plate when I am out of town with Women of Faith.
Derek D. Robertson
Derek D. Robertson
Sunday, August 1, 2010
8 Weeks Out
We are currently 8 weeks out from being parents again. It is an exiciting yet scarry time. It is also a frustrating time because we have had no luck in selling our condo in hopes to upgrade into a bigger home. God has a funny sense of humor sometimes when it comes to things like this. At the same time I know we can make it work and when we are able to sell our condo Will be very thankful for the upgrade. At the same time I am getting excited about going out on the road with Women of Faith. It will be a hard transition but God has prepared us by lettiing me go out on the road of couple of times in the spring and early summer to give us a taste of what is to com. So keep us in your prayers as we begin these two new journeys.
Derek D. Robertson
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Time is Tickin Away
Well we are in the home stretch for baby Robertson number two showing up. It's hard to belive that in less than 3 months I will be a daddy again. So far all has gone well with the pregnancy and Nickie has also been doing well physically. She gets tired quicker but that is to be expected. Nickie was at a Dr's visit on Tuesday right after we got into town from our visit with family in PA. We heard the babies heart beat and all got a clean bill of health.
We were able to get some much needed time with friends and family in PA. It was good to go back to my roots and get grounded. We had a blast just watching Bryson interact with his Grandmas , Grandpas, cousins, aunts and uncles.
So keep us in your prayers as we are still trying to sell our house, bring this new one into the world and that work will keep steady for me.
Pics and vids to follow of PA trip.
Derek D. Robertson
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A Short Note
Well, today we went for another ultrasound. I told the Dr. it was all a conspiracy because they supposedly couldn't see everything that they need to see so we had to go back today. It is amazing tho to see the baby grow and how flexible they are. Nickie also had a check up and both were in good shape. So we are blessed.
Other than that we are takin it one day at a time. I am getting work and keeping fairly busy. I am still sitting tight and getting excited about the Women of Faith tour in the fall. Tomorrow I will set up a booth for Warner Brothers Music for CMA Fest. Then Next week I will be heading to Texas for a Church Convention and will be there for a week and a half. So you need to pray for Nickie cause not only will she hopefully miss me but having to be a single mom for that time period can be stressfull.
Derek D. Robertson
Monday, May 3, 2010
Life As It is.
Well life is as always going by fast. It seems like this pregnancy is also going fast. Nickie and I catch each other saying hey we are going to have another little one aren't we. The first time around I was blogging every week and Nickie was forwarding me two emails a day on updates she got from other sites showing us roughly were things were in the pregnancy. Now, I hardly blog and I rarely see any forwards from her. I understand what parents mean when they say "Oh the second one comes along and you just go for the ride and don't seem to stress out as much. Which is good cause with my work being sporadic till the fall, trying to sell our house and get a new one seems to be keeping us preoccupied. All in all tho Nickie is doing well. Bryson is growing like a weed and blows us away with what he can say and do.
I have been bad about posting heart beats and Nickie's growth. So today I going to try to post a bunch of things so be on the look out.
Also at this time please say a prayer for TN as we got his pretty hard with rain the last two days. In fact I worked with a guy today that lost everything.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
My Head Is Spinning
The reason my head is spinning is because of everything that is going on in my life. The first thing is of course the fact that God has blessed us with child number two. He/She will be entering the world in September. We are excited and nervous.
The secon thing is that in one weeks time it will be two months that I have not had a steady job for two months but God has provided.
The third thing is one week from now I will be in Billngs Montanna with Women of Faith. Which is a faith based women encouragement convention. I am going with the title of carpenter/cameraman. I will basically be making sure the set gets put together right and gets put back on the truck right. I am really looking forward to it. I would be more excited to be doing audio but I am very excited that this man has given me this opportunity and I am going to give it 110%. I hope he can give me enough work eventually to keep me busy all year round. So that is something you can pray for.
The fourth thing is that we have decided through the willingness and encouragement of a friend slash realator will be putting our condo up on the market. We know this seems like a crazy thing but the realator came to us and was willing to put his neck on the chopping block for us so we on the first of April our condo will be forsale. We are hoping with the incentive of the tax credit being up at the end of the month that this will bring the right person. We are praying for out new home and the ability to have more room for our family to grow and room for when family comes to visit that we don't feel crammed like sardines.
So alot is going on and I will have to admit it has been neat to see God work through his people to do what they are supposed to do. So continue to pray for us cause we are still in an upward hill climb.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Here We Are Again
Well over two years ago I started seeing the world of Blogging blowing up and I noticed how it was hard to tell everyone what I was feeling about becoming a father for the first time. So I started blogging and blogging. As time has gone on I was finding it harder and harder to blog when you work a quote 9-5 and have a little one running around the house. So although my mind has been full of thoughts I have not had time lately to get it into a blog. Now, I am somewhat jobless although I will be working for Go Live going on the road with Women of Faith for a few days this spring and then a bunch in the fall. So I am still trying to find other work in the mean time. So all that said we are here again with a new little one on the way. (No Pressure). Which is true there should be not pressure because as the Duggers reiterate all the time on their show 19 and Counting "It's up to God cause we know He won't give you anymore than you can handle. Although this time we are probably focusing more on getting me more work and a bigger house. Not that we are not at all thinking about the new little one because we have gone through all that. In fact Nickie has hardly overwhelmed me with all her daily readings of the status of the new one. Sometimes she'll say "Oh ya I want to start taking that vitamin I took last time" Instead of oh my I need to get this now cause if I don't I child will be dumb and sick. So you can see a little more slack to ourselves. So hopefully I can get back to blogging some more and keep all up to date with our status. All prayers accepted.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I Need Your Input
Next Friday will be my guaranteed last day with my current employment. I am already seeing issues that he will have without me being there. The main issue at hand is that he works out of a home office and I work out of the warehouse. It is nothing for him to call me a dozen times a day asking if this or that is anywhere around. So I have a feeling that even when I am gone and no longer have a company phone that I am going to get multiple calls a week asking if he still has this or that item and if so where is it. He also said that it is possible that he would still call me for work when needed. I personally am not going to wait by the phone for such calls. Although it was a paycheck I am miserable there and it's not just the low pay. He is very controlling and questions every move you make.
I feel that once next Friday is gone that my duty is done and that I am not responsible for the whereabouts of his materials or should feel the need to lend and extra hand when he needs one. I feel that I will just need to approach the situation and let him know that I would prefer to cut all professional ties.
What do you think? Please make comments in the comment section below.
Derek D. Robertson
Derek D. Robertson
Friday, January 15, 2010
A Llittle Self Promotion
Last week I was working my warehouse office preparing to ship stuff out to a customer when my boss came in sat over my shoulder and started correcting me on what I needed to do to prepare the packages ,which I have been doing for four years now with only a couple of glitches. Then like he had to vomit he spit out a bunch of words but all I got out of it was " I have to let you go". Come to find out he has been dwelling on this issue for awhile but was waiting for what was good timing for him.
So in these dark times I am jobless. Now, I did feel the freedom to tell him some of his weaknesses just like he continually points out to me on a daily basis and it was all done in a professional respectful manner. Now, unfortunately for him he has lost a great thing but for me its my time to shine and it was not a positive place for me or a place I could grow anymore. Did I learn everything about professional audio, video and such? Absolutely not but now I have some credibility under my belt. I feel I have served my time and I am actually excited about this because to me and Nickie it's God saying I got something good for you Derek and you won't believe what it is. So all this to say I am jobless in the next couple of weeks but I am trusting God to provide. He has never let me down yet.
So below is my resume but at the same time follow me on twitter, facebook and read my blog and get to know me better. In other words don't put me in a box. I have a lot to offer.
Click here to see my Resume'
So in these dark times I am jobless. Now, I did feel the freedom to tell him some of his weaknesses just like he continually points out to me on a daily basis and it was all done in a professional respectful manner. Now, unfortunately for him he has lost a great thing but for me its my time to shine and it was not a positive place for me or a place I could grow anymore. Did I learn everything about professional audio, video and such? Absolutely not but now I have some credibility under my belt. I feel I have served my time and I am actually excited about this because to me and Nickie it's God saying I got something good for you Derek and you won't believe what it is. So all this to say I am jobless in the next couple of weeks but I am trusting God to provide. He has never let me down yet.
So below is my resume but at the same time follow me on twitter, facebook and read my blog and get to know me better. In other words don't put me in a box. I have a lot to offer.
Click here to see my Resume'
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