To all my adoring fans I am so sorry that I have left you sitting there waiting for that email saying that I have posted another blog or your RSS feed for that matter. Needless to say my life has been a whirlwind lately. This past winter Iost my job but picked up another one with Go Live Productions. They are contracted by Women of Faith to do all their production work. It was somewhat of a dream come true. I got to be in the production world that I have such a huge heart and passion for. We only had two gigs in the spring and then nothing till this fall. Once the fall hit I did three shows before i got a phone call saying "Sorry but this isn't gonna work." Nothing personal it's just business. Those where some very hard words to hear. So as I wallowed in self-pity and felt like I was the biggest loser I got a Direct Message through twitter from the lighting designer of Women of Faith, he also just finished a tour with Keith Urban and now was out with Steven Curtis Chapman. His direct message said. "Want a job? I might have something for you" and he did. The job is not the most glorious job in the world but it's with the greatest group of people. Drum Roll please............ It is for Steven Curtis Chapman. They started out hauling everything around in trailers attached to the bus's. Money wise it was a great idea but when SCC would not want to show up to the venue till a few hours before the show or or would have to go to another town and a do Women of Faith show it got real sticky. So they put their brains together and said all the gear would fit into a box truck. So thats where I come in. So in the midst of losing a job God was putting another one together for me. Now for the whip cream. The very first show I showed up to I met a crew member who was just filling in for the normal guy and was normally out with Mandissa. The following week instead of me tracking him down on facebook he found me. A few weeks later he came back out on the tour and was filling in again. While we were waiting for the go ahead to unload the truck he said hey I liked to talk to you about something. He went on to say that due to a another well know manager / sound-guy leaving the industry there were some holes to fill and he would like to help me be the one to fill those holes. I was just blown away because literally the night before I was thinking to myself I want to catch up with this guy after the tour and see if he knew of any possible work or was willing to help me get more established in the industry. It was just so refreshing to have someone come to me vs. me tracking them down.