Well, today we went for another ultrasound. I told the Dr. it was all a conspiracy because they supposedly couldn't see everything that they need to see so we had to go back today. It is amazing tho to see the baby grow and how flexible they are. Nickie also had a check up and both were in good shape. So we are blessed.
Other than that we are takin it one day at a time. I am getting work and keeping fairly busy. I am still sitting tight and getting excited about the Women of Faith tour in the fall. Tomorrow I will set up a booth for Warner Brothers Music for CMA Fest. Then Next week I will be heading to Texas for a Church Convention and will be there for a week and a half. So you need to pray for Nickie cause not only will she hopefully miss me but having to be a single mom for that time period can be stressfull.
Derek D. Robertson