Well life is as always going by fast. It seems like this pregnancy is also going fast. Nickie and I catch each other saying hey we are going to have another little one aren't we. The first time around I was blogging every week and Nickie was forwarding me two emails a day on updates she got from other sites showing us roughly were things were in the pregnancy. Now, I hardly blog and I rarely see any forwards from her. I understand what parents mean when they say "Oh the second one comes along and you just go for the ride and don't seem to stress out as much. Which is good cause with my work being sporadic till the fall, trying to sell our house and get a new one seems to be keeping us preoccupied. All in all tho Nickie is doing well. Bryson is growing like a weed and blows us away with what he can say and do.
I have been bad about posting heart beats and Nickie's growth. So today I going to try to post a bunch of things so be on the look out.
Also at this time please say a prayer for TN as we got his pretty hard with rain the last two days. In fact I worked with a guy today that lost everything.