Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Head Is Spinning

The reason my head is spinning is because of everything that is going on in my life. The first thing is of course the fact that God has blessed us with child number two. He/She will be entering the world in September. We are excited and nervous.

The secon thing is that in one weeks time it will be two months that I have not had a steady job for two months but God has provided. 

The third thing is one week from now I will be in Billngs Montanna with Women of Faith. Which is a faith based women encouragement convention. I am  going with the title of carpenter/cameraman. I will basically be making sure the set gets put together right and gets put back on the truck right. I am really looking forward to it. I would be more excited to be doing audio but I am very excited that this man has given me this opportunity and I am going to give it 110%. I hope he can give me enough work eventually to keep me busy all year round. So that is something you can pray for. 

The fourth thing is that we have decided through the willingness and encouragement of a friend slash realator will be putting our condo up on the market. We know this seems like a crazy thing but the realator came to us and was willing to put his neck on the chopping block for us so we on the first of April our condo will be forsale. We are hoping with the incentive of the tax credit being up at the end of the month that this will bring the right person. We are praying for out new home and the ability to have more room for our family to grow and room for when family comes to visit that we don't feel crammed like sardines.

So alot is going on and I will have to admit it has been neat to see God work through his people to do what they are supposed to do. So continue to pray for us cause we are still in an upward hill climb.

Derek D. Robertson

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Here We Are Again

Well over two years ago I started seeing the world of Blogging blowing up and I noticed how it was hard to tell everyone what I was feeling about becoming a father for the first time. So I started blogging and blogging. As time has gone on I was finding it harder and harder to blog when you work a quote 9-5 and have a little one running around the house. So although my mind has been full of thoughts I have not had time lately to get it into a blog. Now, I am somewhat jobless although I will be working for Go Live going on  the road with Women of Faith for a few days this spring and then a bunch in the fall. So I am still trying to find other work in the mean time. So all that said we are here again with a new little one on the way. (No Pressure). Which is true there should be not pressure because as the Duggers reiterate all the time on their show 19 and Counting "It's up to God cause we know He won't give you anymore than you can handle. Although this time we are probably focusing more on getting me more work and a bigger house. Not that we are not at all thinking about the new little one because we have gone through all that. In fact Nickie has hardly overwhelmed me with all her daily readings of the status of the new one. Sometimes she'll say "Oh ya I want to start taking that vitamin I took last time" Instead of oh my I need to get this now cause if I don't I child will be dumb and sick. So you can see a little more slack to ourselves. So hopefully I can get back to blogging some more and keep all up to date with our status. All prayers accepted.

Derek D. Robertson

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous