Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Need Your Input

Next Friday will be my guaranteed last day with my current employment. I am already seeing issues that he will have without me being there. The main issue at hand is that he works out of a home office and I work out of the warehouse. It is nothing for him to call me a dozen times a day asking if this or that is anywhere around. So I have a feeling that even when I am gone and no longer have a company phone that I am going to get multiple calls a week asking if he still has this or that item and if so where is it. He also said that it is possible that he would still call me for work when needed. I personally am not going to wait by the phone for such calls. Although it was a paycheck I am miserable there and it's not just the low pay. He is very controlling and questions every move you make.
I feel that once next Friday is gone that my duty is done and that I am not responsible for the whereabouts of his materials or should feel the need to lend and extra hand when he needs one. I feel that I will just need to approach the situation and let him know that I would prefer to cut all professional ties.
What do you think? Please make comments in the comment section below.
Derek D. Robertson

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Llittle Self Promotion

Last week I was working my warehouse office preparing to ship stuff out to a customer when my boss came in sat over my shoulder and started correcting me on what I needed to do to prepare the packages ,which I have been doing for four years now with only a couple of glitches. Then like he had to vomit he spit out a bunch of words but all I got out of it was " I have to let you go". Come to find out he has been dwelling on this issue for awhile but was waiting for what was good timing for him.

So in these dark times I am jobless. Now, I did feel the freedom to tell him some of his weaknesses just like he continually points out to me on a daily basis and it was all done in a professional respectful manner. Now, unfortunately for him he has lost a great thing but for me its my time to shine and it was not a positive place for me or a place I could grow anymore. Did I learn everything about professional audio, video and such? Absolutely not but now I have some credibility under my belt. I feel I have served my time and I am actually excited about this because to me and Nickie it's God saying I got something good for you Derek and you won't believe what it is. So all this to say I am jobless in the next couple of weeks but I am trusting God to provide. He has never let me down yet.

So below is my resume but at the same time follow me on twitter, facebook and read my blog and get to know me better. In other words don't put me in a box. I have a lot to offer.

Click here to see my Resume'