Friday, January 7, 2011

Been A Minute

Well, the new year is upon us. It came and is going whether we like it or not. We went into the new year feeling the same way we left it, with questions. We know in the end that God will provide but when your wife gets a phone call that says your hours have been cut and my work is always up in the air and praying for a phone call to say are you available for work you just don't feel very secure. At the same time like I said earlier we know God will provide. Interesting note, the same day Nickie got a call from work telling her of her hours being shortened and then repeating the story to a cousin at a Christmas party I got a text asking me if I could work for a month as the audio guy at a dinner theater here in Nashville called Chaffins Barn. So God prevailed again. I will also try to find stuff to do during the day to increase my income.

Now as far as our Christmas vacation went well it went. We were unfortuanately sick. The boys and me had fevers on Christmas day and then some. Those fevers were followed by colds and the like.  Nickie also had flu like symptoms and was down for a day. Oddly enough Nickie was the least sick which is not like her. Outside of the sickness we did have a good time and really enjoyed our time with family and friends.

So cheers to this next year. I pray its a prosperous one for you.
