Tuesday, November 22, 2011

We Give Thanks

As everyone else is doing right now they are giving thanks. There are many days I wake up and don't even think of giving thanks cause life is tough so how could I give thanks. Unfortunately I am wrong very wrong. I have a lot to be thankful for. So here is my list. (in no particular order).
  1. The fact that I still have a home
  2. My God who is always there.
  3. My Wife who puts up with me and still loves me.
  4. My Children who drain me but fill me up to.
  5. My Parents
  6. My brother and his family
  7. Vehichles
  8. This list can continue but I will stop here.
So let me know what you are thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I got a call today that went like this.

Caller: Hi Derek this is ? I was checking in with you to see if you would be at the shop today to load the truck for tomorrows show?

Me: no I will not be there till tomorrow.

Caller: well we are actually leaving tonight

Me: well I was not informed of this and your company called me the other day to make sure my paper work was up to date and that I was still good for the show but nothing was said about today.

Caller: well let me make some phone calls and I will get back to you.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What's Your Benefit

I have signed up to collect shoes for Soles4Souls again. This is a great organization that does need your money but more than that they need your shoes. I have made S4S my main organization that I promote and donate to. I know there are thousands of companies out there doing a poor job and a great job but S4S is doing it greatly. They operate on less than 5% of donations that come in. That is remarkable!

So take sometime and research who you want to invest time in and then do so. I personally could use your help in my efforts for S4S. So feel free to click on the link below or show up to the South Nash Dash and give.

Donate Here

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A replay of my pastor

RT @mikeglenn: God is the master chef - He can cook a gourmet meal with whatever ingredients - good or bad - you or anyone else throws into your life.

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I titled this neglected because blogging has been something I have neglected to do do to the fact I have to little one to chase vs. one. Although I am sure if you read my blog you could see the consinstency go down after Bryson was born and not it's even worse. I wouldn't say I dont have time it's just that when I do I need to zone out for a spell after a long day. What's sad is by this time i had a youtube channel, email and photo site for Bryson. I ain't got jack squat for Brayden. Sad but true.

Speaking of long days mine have seem to get longer. Nickie and I have gone to a different schedule since after the first of the year Nickie's hours have gone down and my work has been sporatic. So once her work hours were cut we needed to figure something out and with the encouragement from a coworker Nickie has gone to a freelance position like me only hers is in the field of  Physical therapy. We are in week three of this transition and I would not say it has been a smooth transition but its working. When Nickie has work I stay home and visa versa. I would say it is another way to increase our faith in God but I am a stupid man and always find myself in that trap of trying to do it on my own. I have always told people that they are dumber than animals and its true. Why I say that is because if you get bit by some other creature more than likely you won't bother that other animal again. Now a human on the other hand will do something wrong , ask for forgiveness and then do it again. We just don't get it. So we are stupid people saved by grace. Well I know I am. I am not sure where your faith is so I can't speak for you.

That being said we are stressed but this to shall pass. I also hope to that my work will increase along with Nickies. The cool thing about Nickies work is that she can pool work from other companies as I do. So you know of anyone needing Physical therapy workers or production work you know who to call.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dinner date

So tonight we have been given a great gift. The gift is a paid dinner night without the boys. Not only are they paying for the meal but they are watching our boys. Although Nickie and I feel like we are going through a huge blizzard during this winter of our life we have still been blessed by God in numerous ways.

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Long Time No Blog

Well things around here have been interesting to say the least. God has been testing our faith and answering prayers. Just when it looks like I am going down hill with no breaks he provides again. For example, my work has been scarce to say the least , Nickie's hours go down, she gets switched to another clinic while I get a phone call saying help and I am on the road again. Then the artist I went out with gets to a point they don't need me but then call me back up saying we need you again. To put the icing on the cake a sound company has a small tour they are going out with and need someone to drive a small box truck. So everyday is a new journey but I am in good company.

Bryson and Brayden are growing like weeds and we are just amazed at how God has blessed us with two sweet boys. They are no angels but we will keep them. Hope you are doing well and would love to hear from you. Also make sure if you are not reading this via blogger that you go to my actual blog and not the one that shows up on face book and leave comments and let me know if you have a blog so I can keep up with you.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Crew Calls

  Occasionally I get calls for what I call Crew calls. Crew calls are when a company calls several people and see their availability to work. These crew calls are usually for production purposes where we will work for a particular artist and their people to set up their production. We are usually called a day or two in advance and are supposed to be at the job a half hour in advance. We get to the job and our divided into categories such as audio, video, lights, staging and the like. We then under the supervision of the artist people will set up or tear down their equipment. One bonus to the job is that they are required to pay us for four hours whether or not we work four hours and then  of course for every hour after that.

It's a unique job in the sense that we don't work every day or even every week. They do try to keep us as busy as possible but if the work is not there well then they don't call you. Crew One (poor website but you get the point) who I typically get calls from probably spend more time on the phone finding enough hands for the job than  the actual job itself. They have a list of a few hundred people to call up.

Now, speaking of people well lets just say some of these people are from all walks of life. You have the clean cut people all the way down to what rock did you come out of. They are very unique individuals. A lot them want to Rock and Roll every night and party every day and that's exactly what they do. To kind of get an idea of some of the people watch this video below .


Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Year

Well, this new year is rolling right along. Health wise we are well but our financial health well it is a little weak but we know to that God is a big God and that His timing is never our timing. Nickie and I are not ones to look at God and yell don't you love me ,were faithful to You, we go to church, we tithe, why cant we just get a break. Yes, we get down but also know that he will provide and we will get through this. I watched my parents go through tough times and now that they are in their early 60's are just now enjoying some finacial freedom. I on the other hand hope it doesn't takes us that long. My goal would be no later than 40. So heres to a new year and prosperity. Lets make the best of it.

If you blog and I dont know about it let me know and I will add you to my blog roll and you do the same. If you are reading this via Facebook notes please feel free to go to my actual blog to get to know me more, add comments and just have fun.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Been A Minute

Well, the new year is upon us. It came and is going whether we like it or not. We went into the new year feeling the same way we left it, with questions. We know in the end that God will provide but when your wife gets a phone call that says your hours have been cut and my work is always up in the air and praying for a phone call to say are you available for work you just don't feel very secure. At the same time like I said earlier we know God will provide. Interesting note, the same day Nickie got a call from work telling her of her hours being shortened and then repeating the story to a cousin at a Christmas party I got a text asking me if I could work for a month as the audio guy at a dinner theater here in Nashville called Chaffins Barn. So God prevailed again. I will also try to find stuff to do during the day to increase my income.

Now as far as our Christmas vacation went well it went. We were unfortuanately sick. The boys and me had fevers on Christmas day and then some. Those fevers were followed by colds and the like.  Nickie also had flu like symptoms and was down for a day. Oddly enough Nickie was the least sick which is not like her. Outside of the sickness we did have a good time and really enjoyed our time with family and friends.

So cheers to this next year. I pray its a prosperous one for you.
