Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week of Peace and Fun

Life is blazing by except at the bad times it's then it seems like it's dragging but this week has flown by because well we had some fun and peace. 

The fun was when we took a jaunt up to PA to go to my sister in laws baby shower for their first little one. We of course were able to see family and friends that we have not seen in years.

The shower seemed like it went really well and my brothers church seemed to be good host and they were overwhelmed with gifts for the little one. There was alot of pink things going around. So by that statement you can assume that I will be an uncle to a little girl and I can't wait to share stories with her about her dad. Oh we will laugh.

This was also good times for grandmas, grandpas,aunts and uncles to see Bryson. He is growing so much and is at that stage of life where he is becoming so playful. We were able to run around, play on the swing set and play in the leaves at grandma and grandpa Robertson's. Bryson had so much fun. He has never had that much room to run. So it was so much fun for him and us.

I to got to get out and have a little fun. My dad drives a standard Jeep and so I took that out for a little late night spin to visit my brother and watch a horror film at his new house and play with his high strung puggle (half pug and half beagle). It's cute but a little high strung. I also got to take my brothers new bike out for a ride. It was a dream come true. I have always had a route in my head that if I ever got a chance to take a motorcycle for a ride in my home town I would go and I did it. It was a blast and I can't wait to do it again. Who knows maybe next time it will be on my own bike. (Thanks again bro)

 Now for the peace. The peace is that we found a good daycare for Bryson. Is it perfect, No. Is it good, yes. They have taken Bryson in with arms wide open and we are having to do less work which in the end gives the wife and I more time. Ok, Nickie has more time because she has less work. It also seems like they do alot of extracurricular activities like to help keep the parents involved so it just doesn't become the place you drop your kids off. They also listen to you when you give your input and not blow you off. It is so refreshing.

I have tons of video and pics to post but I think Nickie beat me to the pics so check out her Picasa pics or if your are friends with her on facebook you can check it out there.

Till the next blog.

Derek D. Robertson

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous

Monday, October 19, 2009

Another Reason

Here is a prime example of why we know that it is time to change day cares. We are tired of this type of selfishness. We realize there are things that are hard to do during week because you are working. I would assume if she had a job where she was required to show up everyday or have consequences to pay. Now granted I realize more and more employers try to be flexible. But when I am paying you to do a service you don't pass your responsibilty on to someone else and that is exactly what this lady is doing. This is an actual email that we just got about what she is doing today. Feel free in the comment section below to tell me how you feel and if I am overreacting.

"Just wanted to tell you that I have somewhere that I need to be at 5:30 today and wanted to tell you that Wade will be here to watch the boys until you arrive to pick Bryson up.  Also, my mother-in-law is on Fall break this week. And, they will be here on Thursday & Friday, and my Sister-in-Law and 8 year old neice will be here Tuesday and Wednesday.  Hope you are having a great day and we'll see you soon!"
To me it's just total selfishness and glad that Thursday of this week is our last day.

Derek D. Robertson

Sent from Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day Care

Day care is not by any means easy. You have to take your child to a complete stranger and hope to God that they will give it the love you would. Will that happen. No, no it won't. Why you ask and the answer to that is simple. It's not there child. They will never love that child the way you do. Is there anything you can do about it. That is a two fold answer. The first answer is pray and pray hard that  you don't have to send your wife into the work force on a full time basis or second at least be able to let her stay home part time. Now, Part time is not the perfect scenario but it is better than full time.

Both are situations that I currently cannot provide. Will I ever be able to. I hope so. I would love Nickie to be able to stay home and watch however many children we have. So that is just why I just have to pray and pray hard that the Lord will direct me down the right path to provide for my family.I don't need a million dollars but a few more than what I got would allow me to do so.  So pray for us to be able to move out of this situation.

Last Import

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Creating A Brand

Creating a brand is the last thing I would have thought about when I started blogging. I was just doing it to update my family and friends on what was going on in my life at the time. Well to the ones who cared. It was also just a good outlet to clear my mind and get things off my chest. Because for some reason or another all the people I come in contact with don't want to really talk for some reason or another. They are mostly men and to get a grunt out them your doing good. Unless of course they want to talk to somebody then you can't shut them up. So for me to be able to blog and do all the other social connecting I do is my way of talking without being told to shut up. Also if someone doesn't want to be bothered then they don't read my remarks. Am I offended. Yes when I know good and well that family members are not reading it. How do I know they are not reading them, I bring it up a month later and they say I didn't know that happened. Why didn't you say something? Well I did in my blog. Oh I never read that. I know.

Anyway I started out with branding. The way I look at branding is basically you character. We have been branding ourselves all our life. We all want to create a name for ourselves. I know a lot of people that don't get all the social networking craze. It's like anything else because usually if you don't understand something you don't do it. At the same time lets say you have a mobile car wash company and you need business so you tell all your friends and then they tell all their friends and pretty soon you start getting calls but you still want more business and the local cable company tells you if you advertise with them you will double your business. I think you would do it. So then that explodes. At the same time you say I still can get more business and someone says you need a website but you not only need a website but you need to implement the right tools to make that website turn into a viral fire. See once the word gets out that you provide a good service through all means you have now branded yourself in the way that you want to be known. So be careful what you do and say anywhere because you want to create a good brand.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Long Time A Coming

Well, it's been quite sometime since I have blogged. Why, well ask my wife. She is a slave driver and has removed my rights from the internet. Well, lilke I would listen even if that was the case. No it's a little boy named Bryson. He consumes way more time than I ever thought he would but at the same time I am learning that investing in him is way more important than a blog. Does this mean this is my last blog for several years. I don't think you are that lucky. I will continue to express myself as much as possible and keep you the reader up todate on what is going on. Of course if you really want to know what I am up to day by day. Well, then you need to click on the twitter icon on my blog. You can also search for me on twitter @DerekDRobertson. 

To show you how I value my blogging experience I have purchased my own domain. You can still acess the blog the way you have been but this is all part of my branding. Branding in the sense that I am trying to make a name for myself on the web. Don't believe me google Derek D. Robertson. If I set things up really right you might be able to  google Derek some day and see me come up first. Just a thought. 

Any ways since it has been awhile I will give you a shortened version of what is going on. First some of you know that I was in the South Nash Dash which was a race in our community to merely bring a name to the area and get the community together. It was a great experience especially since I have not done a 5k in oh 20 years. So that being said I was beat by a mom in a stroller but she had the figure for it (OUCH Honey) I mean it looked like she ran a lot. Any way I not only ran a race but I collected shoes for an organization called Soles4Souls. It was a great experience and I will probably do it again. Only this time I will be more prepared and it will be bigger than this time. To prove what I did check this link out.

So all in all we have been busy and I cant forget Bryson's first Birthday. We made a lot of memories. We went camping with the inlaws and outlaws and had a great time. No blood was shed but thats cause I didn't have my knife on me at all times. We also had an somewhat initmate party at our good friends Steve and Carrie's. Then we had a party basically with our Sunday School class and close friends. Bryson has received enough presents so far for his siblings to come. 

So that Is the the short version. You know me I could go on and on. 

Good to be back and blogg you later.


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