Any ways this week was very iteresting. So I am going to have to go day by day.
Monday Nickie worked at the Nolensville clinic just down the road and Bryson went to day care.
Tuesday Nickie went to the Franklin clinic she has been at for three years and Bryson stayed with Ms. Lisa and Courtney who have just been absolutely dear to us.
Wendnesday they both were supposed to go to Franklin but Ms. Lisa got sick and couldn't watch him so Nickie called the day care and they said bring him on down and to help you out I will get there at 6:30 am so you can get to work on time. So that was a relief. I would have took him but Nickie said no she had things to tell the day care you know me being a man I would mess that up. Even if she wrote it on paper and I just had to hand it to the day care.
Thursday was another day at the day care and work for the both of us until Bryson got home. I looked at his car seat and said babe did you take someone elses car seat. She said not to my knowledge. Well she didn't grab the wrong one but the day care did. Which was hard for us to understand why because ours has blue elephant attached to it and we had blankets in ours and theirs didn't. Although when we called the day care to make arrangements to get ours back they said they both had blue elephants on them. Wrong answer. They did not because I got the dumb thing in my hand and there is no blue elephant.
So we found who had ours and so on Friday which was Nickie's last day in the Franklin clinic I got out of work early and took off for Franklin to pick up Bryson from his last day with Ms. Lisa which was sad because we like her so much. So I took off early only to get stuck in traffic and end up meeting Nickie there which was not my plan but oh well. So we get Bryson ready said our good byes and headed toward Nolensville to go to the day care. Unfortuately we were not able to get to the day care in time so we made arrangements to get to the peoples home who had our car seat. Now, you are saying to yourself why don't you just do it Monday. Well that might make sense in your head but after you would have saw the shape this car seat was in you would have gone to this trouble to.
We were able to catch up with guy after a few bad turns in the dark in the rain. So, when i go to transfer Bryson into his car seat I got a hand of slobber from the baby that was in or bulldog. It was gross. My Bryson is not gross like that. After all that going home and cooking a dinner at 7 pm did not sound fun so I stopped into Jets Pizza and took some grub home for the wife and me.
Well, we are now at Saturday which was very relaxing but was able to get alot accomlished.
The pic below is a freeze frame from google earth to show you how far we had to drive to do what we did on Friday plus the fact I came from the north east side of Nashville.

Happy blogging.
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