Well this was Bryson's first thanksgiving and it was a fun one. We were able to go to some friends who have kind of adopted us knowing that we have know family here. So Thursday we got up when Bryson said so, watched the parade and got ready to go to our friends. We got there around 1 pm and finished watching the Titans womp on Detroit. So it was one the highest rated teams vs. the worst in the NFL. We had some good starters as far as food goes while we watched the game. Then the big meal came and oh was it a spread. We had Turkey, dumplings, green bean casserole,rolls, deviled eggs and more. Then of course we had a choice of apple or pumkin pie.
Bryson must have felt comfortable because he took a three hour nap and seemed to enjoy the other screaming kids that were running around and it almost seemed like he wanted to go running around with them.
Well we then ended the week by taking Bryson to another massage class that he did not like as well as he did last week. Then on Sunday we broke out the Christmas decorations and decked the halls with boughs of holly .
Well that was our week and until next time happy blogging.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Ten Weeks and counting
Well, Bryson is now ten weeks old and kicking. It was a good week and nothing to crazy went on. Nickie was able to go to one clinic and stay there. Which was really nice because we saved a ton of gas with her only having to go ten minutes down the road and not half an hour.
I was able to do a really cool gig on Tuesday although I did not get paid for it. We wanted to demonstrate a new digital console to this club so I took one for the team and by request of my so called boss I did not charge him. Of course I will make a mistake somewhere and he will still give me the what for because he only thinks in the exact moment he is in. Any way we did the gig and all went well. The bands loved the console so much they asked how they could get it there pemanently and so we told the one to go tell the owner to go sweet talk the owner. So after she did so the owner came over to us and said sure send over the cute blond to butter me up to by your equipment but in all seriousness put an estimate together and give me a call. So hopefully we get a sell out of it. The real highlight of the night was listening to a band that pretty much consists the musicians that play on 50% of the albums that are on your shelves at home. Oops! I hope I didn't let the cat out of the bag again. Sorry the bands you see on stage are not always the ones that record on the albums. They actually pay people that can play even better than the ones you see on stage. Now, not all the times but 99% of the time. Anyway they are amazing musicians and I could have listened to them another two hours.
So back to Bryson. We did not have any crazy stories where we had to chase anything down from the day care. So other than that it was a good week for the little one. We are helping the day care understand Bryson and they are helping us understand why we pay them so much. I need more work, just work that will pay me more or better yet my dream business. Any way keep us in your prayers and will do the same for you. Oh we did have some exciting news. Our friends from PA, Jackie and Gary Shaw just had their first child. His name is Eyan McGyver Shaw. He was 7 lbs 12 oz., 20 .5 inches and was born at 2:18 pm. All the numbers were the same for Bryson except the time which was 2:17 pm. The other thing that is cool is that Gary and Jackie were married 2 and half months after us and they had their first child 2 and half months after us. Crazy it's like rain on your wedding day or a free ride when your already there. Well on to another week and keep blogging.
I was able to do a really cool gig on Tuesday although I did not get paid for it. We wanted to demonstrate a new digital console to this club so I took one for the team and by request of my so called boss I did not charge him. Of course I will make a mistake somewhere and he will still give me the what for because he only thinks in the exact moment he is in. Any way we did the gig and all went well. The bands loved the console so much they asked how they could get it there pemanently and so we told the one to go tell the owner to go sweet talk the owner. So after she did so the owner came over to us and said sure send over the cute blond to butter me up to by your equipment but in all seriousness put an estimate together and give me a call. So hopefully we get a sell out of it. The real highlight of the night was listening to a band that pretty much consists the musicians that play on 50% of the albums that are on your shelves at home. Oops! I hope I didn't let the cat out of the bag again. Sorry the bands you see on stage are not always the ones that record on the albums. They actually pay people that can play even better than the ones you see on stage. Now, not all the times but 99% of the time. Anyway they are amazing musicians and I could have listened to them another two hours.
So back to Bryson. We did not have any crazy stories where we had to chase anything down from the day care. So other than that it was a good week for the little one. We are helping the day care understand Bryson and they are helping us understand why we pay them so much. I need more work, just work that will pay me more or better yet my dream business. Any way keep us in your prayers and will do the same for you. Oh we did have some exciting news. Our friends from PA, Jackie and Gary Shaw just had their first child. His name is Eyan McGyver Shaw. He was 7 lbs 12 oz., 20 .5 inches and was born at 2:18 pm. All the numbers were the same for Bryson except the time which was 2:17 pm. The other thing that is cool is that Gary and Jackie were married 2 and half months after us and they had their first child 2 and half months after us. Crazy it's like rain on your wedding day or a free ride when your already there. Well on to another week and keep blogging.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Bryson at 9 weeks
Well, Bryson is 9 weeks old. Every day I look at him he has grown. It's like I get up, get him ready and send him and mom down the road. Then when he gets back home he has grown at least a inch. He also starts mumbling something like keys and cars. I am not sure but I think he wants the keys to the car.
Any ways this week was very iteresting. So I am going to have to go day by day.
Monday Nickie worked at the Nolensville clinic just down the road and Bryson went to day care.
Tuesday Nickie went to the Franklin clinic she has been at for three years and Bryson stayed with Ms. Lisa and Courtney who have just been absolutely dear to us.
Wendnesday they both were supposed to go to Franklin but Ms. Lisa got sick and couldn't watch him so Nickie called the day care and they said bring him on down and to help you out I will get there at 6:30 am so you can get to work on time. So that was a relief. I would have took him but Nickie said no she had things to tell the day care you know me being a man I would mess that up. Even if she wrote it on paper and I just had to hand it to the day care.
Thursday was another day at the day care and work for the both of us until Bryson got home. I looked at his car seat and said babe did you take someone elses car seat. She said not to my knowledge. Well she didn't grab the wrong one but the day care did. Which was hard for us to understand why because ours has blue elephant attached to it and we had blankets in ours and theirs didn't. Although when we called the day care to make arrangements to get ours back they said they both had blue elephants on them. Wrong answer. They did not because I got the dumb thing in my hand and there is no blue elephant.
So we found who had ours and so on Friday which was Nickie's last day in the Franklin clinic I got out of work early and took off for Franklin to pick up Bryson from his last day with Ms. Lisa which was sad because we like her so much. So I took off early only to get stuck in traffic and end up meeting Nickie there which was not my plan but oh well. So we get Bryson ready said our good byes and headed toward Nolensville to go to the day care. Unfortuately we were not able to get to the day care in time so we made arrangements to get to the peoples home who had our car seat. Now, you are saying to yourself why don't you just do it Monday. Well that might make sense in your head but after you would have saw the shape this car seat was in you would have gone to this trouble to.
We were able to catch up with guy after a few bad turns in the dark in the rain. So, when i go to transfer Bryson into his car seat I got a hand of slobber from the baby that was in or bulldog. It was gross. My Bryson is not gross like that. After all that going home and cooking a dinner at 7 pm did not sound fun so I stopped into Jets Pizza and took some grub home for the wife and me.
Well, we are now at Saturday which was very relaxing but was able to get alot accomlished.
The pic below is a freeze frame from google earth to show you how far we had to drive to do what we did on Friday plus the fact I came from the north east side of Nashville.

Happy blogging.
Any ways this week was very iteresting. So I am going to have to go day by day.
Monday Nickie worked at the Nolensville clinic just down the road and Bryson went to day care.
Tuesday Nickie went to the Franklin clinic she has been at for three years and Bryson stayed with Ms. Lisa and Courtney who have just been absolutely dear to us.
Wendnesday they both were supposed to go to Franklin but Ms. Lisa got sick and couldn't watch him so Nickie called the day care and they said bring him on down and to help you out I will get there at 6:30 am so you can get to work on time. So that was a relief. I would have took him but Nickie said no she had things to tell the day care you know me being a man I would mess that up. Even if she wrote it on paper and I just had to hand it to the day care.
Thursday was another day at the day care and work for the both of us until Bryson got home. I looked at his car seat and said babe did you take someone elses car seat. She said not to my knowledge. Well she didn't grab the wrong one but the day care did. Which was hard for us to understand why because ours has blue elephant attached to it and we had blankets in ours and theirs didn't. Although when we called the day care to make arrangements to get ours back they said they both had blue elephants on them. Wrong answer. They did not because I got the dumb thing in my hand and there is no blue elephant.
So we found who had ours and so on Friday which was Nickie's last day in the Franklin clinic I got out of work early and took off for Franklin to pick up Bryson from his last day with Ms. Lisa which was sad because we like her so much. So I took off early only to get stuck in traffic and end up meeting Nickie there which was not my plan but oh well. So we get Bryson ready said our good byes and headed toward Nolensville to go to the day care. Unfortuately we were not able to get to the day care in time so we made arrangements to get to the peoples home who had our car seat. Now, you are saying to yourself why don't you just do it Monday. Well that might make sense in your head but after you would have saw the shape this car seat was in you would have gone to this trouble to.
We were able to catch up with guy after a few bad turns in the dark in the rain. So, when i go to transfer Bryson into his car seat I got a hand of slobber from the baby that was in or bulldog. It was gross. My Bryson is not gross like that. After all that going home and cooking a dinner at 7 pm did not sound fun so I stopped into Jets Pizza and took some grub home for the wife and me.
Well, we are now at Saturday which was very relaxing but was able to get alot accomlished.
The pic below is a freeze frame from google earth to show you how far we had to drive to do what we did on Friday plus the fact I came from the north east side of Nashville.

Happy blogging.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Its Been Two Months
Yes, ya'll it'been two months since Bryson entered this world. Just like anything else there are good days and bad days. This Past week was an eventful one to say the least. At the same time I am almost forgetting what happend this past week. I guess I am getting old. This is not good if I am forgetting so much so soon.
I don't think I will do the day by day thing like I sometimes do but it was an eventful week. As I talked about before Nickie was/is moving to another clinic with in the same company. Now, I don't know how a week can matter but to make things complicated they told us that she would go there on November 10th (boy that date sounds familiar) any ways they kind of renigged. What they did was told Nickie it was a for sure thing and then called her up and said well we still need you at this other place for the week so can we have you here for a couple of days then at the other place for a couple of days. Now any other time this would be no problem but when you have a child in the mix it makes it hard. So what happened is the people who have been watching Bryson agreed to watch him the days she was in Franklin and then When she goes to Nolensville the regular day care will watch him. Of course business is business and the day care charged for a full week. Oh well it could be worse (Tuesday). So we will move on.
All I can say is we have been blessed. I am really excited to know that Nickie is going to be only 10 min down the road. It will be a big savings on gas and the day care is cheaper to. Nickie is excited to becuase her new clinic director is more experienced and more laid back but gets the job done. The clinic is smaller to.
So you can keep us in your prayers because we wouldn't mind moving down into the area where Nickie works because it is so quaint. So we are hoping to find house with a good piece of land.
Something else that was cool for me was I met this really cool bass player when I helped out with the Robbie Kinevil jump and he called me up to get a cup of coffee. In the midst of us chatting and me telling me my dreams he pulled out his cellphone and started going through his contacts and writing down phone numbers of people he thought I should contact. He was just a really down to earth guy but at the same time is one of these musicians that if you looked at the list of musicians on the back of your CD his name might just be there. So think I have not only made a good new friend but a good contact in the industry. Infact he is best friends with Gary Chapman which was married to Amy Grant back in the day. He also told me that he recorded a Victor Wooten in his home studio. Just Google Victor. You will then understand.
That next to having a great wife and new little one was a great B-Day gift. I also got to run sound for a wedding reception this weekend. That was fun and went real well so I think the sound company that hired me will call me back for more jobs.
Speaking of the weekend it was crazy. Friday night is when I had coffee with Daniel, then went home for two hours and then went and tore down a stage I had set up ealier that week. Saturday we had to go tear down the play pen where Bryson has been for the last couple of weeks , came home and then went to town to run sound for the wedding reception band at the FRIST. Sunday of course went to church, then came home and ate. Then took the pack and play to the new day care, went grocery shopping, came home , ate some dinner and then went to a town hall meeting at our church about a new project they want to take on.
So all and all it was a busy week and weekend. So happy blogging and see you later.
I don't think I will do the day by day thing like I sometimes do but it was an eventful week. As I talked about before Nickie was/is moving to another clinic with in the same company. Now, I don't know how a week can matter but to make things complicated they told us that she would go there on November 10th (boy that date sounds familiar) any ways they kind of renigged. What they did was told Nickie it was a for sure thing and then called her up and said well we still need you at this other place for the week so can we have you here for a couple of days then at the other place for a couple of days. Now any other time this would be no problem but when you have a child in the mix it makes it hard. So what happened is the people who have been watching Bryson agreed to watch him the days she was in Franklin and then When she goes to Nolensville the regular day care will watch him. Of course business is business and the day care charged for a full week. Oh well it could be worse (Tuesday). So we will move on.
All I can say is we have been blessed. I am really excited to know that Nickie is going to be only 10 min down the road. It will be a big savings on gas and the day care is cheaper to. Nickie is excited to becuase her new clinic director is more experienced and more laid back but gets the job done. The clinic is smaller to.
So you can keep us in your prayers because we wouldn't mind moving down into the area where Nickie works because it is so quaint. So we are hoping to find house with a good piece of land.
Something else that was cool for me was I met this really cool bass player when I helped out with the Robbie Kinevil jump and he called me up to get a cup of coffee. In the midst of us chatting and me telling me my dreams he pulled out his cellphone and started going through his contacts and writing down phone numbers of people he thought I should contact. He was just a really down to earth guy but at the same time is one of these musicians that if you looked at the list of musicians on the back of your CD his name might just be there. So think I have not only made a good new friend but a good contact in the industry. Infact he is best friends with Gary Chapman which was married to Amy Grant back in the day. He also told me that he recorded a Victor Wooten in his home studio. Just Google Victor. You will then understand.
That next to having a great wife and new little one was a great B-Day gift. I also got to run sound for a wedding reception this weekend. That was fun and went real well so I think the sound company that hired me will call me back for more jobs.
Speaking of the weekend it was crazy. Friday night is when I had coffee with Daniel, then went home for two hours and then went and tore down a stage I had set up ealier that week. Saturday we had to go tear down the play pen where Bryson has been for the last couple of weeks , came home and then went to town to run sound for the wedding reception band at the FRIST. Sunday of course went to church, then came home and ate. Then took the pack and play to the new day care, went grocery shopping, came home , ate some dinner and then went to a town hall meeting at our church about a new project they want to take on.
So all and all it was a busy week and weekend. So happy blogging and see you later.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Alot of First in Week Seven
Well, although we are still saddened by the loss of our friend we were very busy with life again this week. Monday was the beginning of a full work week for Nickie and a full week of Bryson out of our hands. Monday was a Monday being full of Monday type things.
Tuesday we did the American thing and voted early to beat the lines. I truly advise you to vote early if you get the chance because it's nice not having to stand in line. Bryson wasn't to fond of it but made it through. So that ended up making for a long day because I came home after work, ate, and then decided go to the polls. That ended up putting us back at home by 8 that evening.
Wednesday was nothing special to talk about.
Thursday I went to go help my boss set up a stage and when we got there he realized we forgot the steps. This was funny to me because he has numerous times told me that I forget alot but this was not the first time they forgot the steps. Now on top of that last year they ran out of gas in their diesle truck on their way back from setting up the same stage. So this year they went to set up the same stage and on the way back to get the steps they forgot the truck ran out of gas again. Oh I laughed. So I stayed and finished up the stage and the other boss drove in his car so he took off to go get gas. He then came back and picked me up to take me to the truck that was out of gas. When we got there my other boss was sleeping in the truck so I went up to the door and knocked on it and said license and registration please. Oh he about hit the roof of the truck. That was good laugh. Another funny thing that happened that day was that Bryson had not had a BM for a few days and Ms. Lisa go an explosion. It was nasty she said.
Now Friday is here and what another interesting day because I got to see Robbie Knievil jump. It was an interesting gig and I don't even know if we got paid. The promoter was a friend of Kinevil and he called him up and said hey you know how I make this glow in the dark paint. Why don't I paint your ramp in the glow in the dark paint and you jump a bunch of brand new cars. So he did. He also got some muscians together and had some different singers. One was Robbie Kinevil's daughter, the other I don't know and the last was the bass player from the group Bad Company. It was really a joke. There was know one there and the guy was not very friendly and even though he had not paid us he was very demanding. He obviously has never put anyting like this together before. If he has I would never hire him to set up my next function. The jump was at the Nashville Speedway and so Robbie came out and did wheelies around the track then went back and forth in front of the jump to get a feel for it. Then just did it. It was pretty cool jump but just a weird event all in all.
Well Happy blogging and take care.
Tuesday we did the American thing and voted early to beat the lines. I truly advise you to vote early if you get the chance because it's nice not having to stand in line. Bryson wasn't to fond of it but made it through. So that ended up making for a long day because I came home after work, ate, and then decided go to the polls. That ended up putting us back at home by 8 that evening.
Wednesday was nothing special to talk about.
Thursday I went to go help my boss set up a stage and when we got there he realized we forgot the steps. This was funny to me because he has numerous times told me that I forget alot but this was not the first time they forgot the steps. Now on top of that last year they ran out of gas in their diesle truck on their way back from setting up the same stage. So this year they went to set up the same stage and on the way back to get the steps they forgot the truck ran out of gas again. Oh I laughed. So I stayed and finished up the stage and the other boss drove in his car so he took off to go get gas. He then came back and picked me up to take me to the truck that was out of gas. When we got there my other boss was sleeping in the truck so I went up to the door and knocked on it and said license and registration please. Oh he about hit the roof of the truck. That was good laugh. Another funny thing that happened that day was that Bryson had not had a BM for a few days and Ms. Lisa go an explosion. It was nasty she said.
Now Friday is here and what another interesting day because I got to see Robbie Knievil jump. It was an interesting gig and I don't even know if we got paid. The promoter was a friend of Kinevil and he called him up and said hey you know how I make this glow in the dark paint. Why don't I paint your ramp in the glow in the dark paint and you jump a bunch of brand new cars. So he did. He also got some muscians together and had some different singers. One was Robbie Kinevil's daughter, the other I don't know and the last was the bass player from the group Bad Company. It was really a joke. There was know one there and the guy was not very friendly and even though he had not paid us he was very demanding. He obviously has never put anyting like this together before. If he has I would never hire him to set up my next function. The jump was at the Nashville Speedway and so Robbie came out and did wheelies around the track then went back and forth in front of the jump to get a feel for it. Then just did it. It was pretty cool jump but just a weird event all in all.
Well Happy blogging and take care.
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Brysons First Fall |
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