Sunday, September 14, 2008

Baby Bryson Douglas Robertson

Well on Thursday September 11th @ 2:17 Bryson was born into this world at Williamson Medical Center in Franklin, TN. He was 7lbs. and 12 oz & 20 inches long. He came into this world with his arms and legs just flailing all over the place.

The day started for Nickie at roughly 2 am. She started to feel the contractions. By 4:30 am we were in the hospital getting checked in. After being there for 6 hrs. they basically told us that we should just go home because the water wasn't broke and the contractions were just to far apart. So we asked if we go home now with contractions how long before we can come back and they told us not until your water breaks unless you want us to break which by Nickie's plan she had submitted she did not want done. Nickie quickly changed her mind and had them break water. Immediately after they broke the water Nickie's contractions got closer and stronger. It was not long before Nickie was saying I need to push , I need to push. So she hit the call button and the lady said how can I help you Nickie replied I NEED TO PUSH!!! and in two minutes the pit crew was there except the DR. She was in an emergency situation and could not get there. So they called another DR. who was in the middle of an exam in her clinic across the street. She immediately ran across the street in her high heels and short skirt to our room. When she got there she put the bootys over her high heels and went behind the curtain to put on her pants then came out and was very adiment about the fact that she was given the wrong mask and that she needed a specific one. Once she was ready she checked Nickie and said she was fully dialated and fully efaced. It was go time. She started to push and 35 min. later Bryson was born. It was quite the day to see our little baby boy enter this world.

I of course have pics and vids loaded up and will of course continue to add as time goes.

Thanks for your prayers letters and gifts.

Derek Nickie Bryson and Buddy (he is really stressed out)

Photo's of baby Bryson

Sorry for some reason My photo album wont allow me to do things they way I normally due but just click on the link above and you will go directly to the photo album.

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