Tuesday, August 24, 2010

5 weeks till Baby R

Wow, It's hard to belive in this day and age that God felt secure in Nickie and I that we needed another child in our lives right now. We get excited at times and at times start pulling our hair and banging our heads. This was not our plan but it was Gods plan. So I feel God has a sense of humor a ,knows what we are capable of and is shaping and molding us for bigger things. Why do I say a sense of humor. Well, it's because we are three floors up in a 2 bed 1 bath condo that is currently for sale but no offers as of yet. So, you can only imagine how fun things will get when family starts coming into town. So during this unique times of our lives we appreciate any and all prayers. Also keep Nickie in mind as she has a little more work on her plate when I am out of town with Women of Faith.
Derek D. Robertson

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous

Sunday, August 1, 2010

8 Weeks Out

We are currently 8 weeks out from being parents again. It is an exiciting yet scarry time. It is also a frustrating time because we have had no luck in selling our condo in hopes to upgrade into a bigger home. God has a funny sense of humor sometimes when it comes to things like this. At the same time I know we can make it work and when we are able to sell our condo Will be very thankful for the upgrade. At the same time I am getting excited about going out on the road with Women of Faith. It will be a hard transition but God has prepared us by lettiing me go out on the road of couple of times in the spring and early summer to give us a taste of what is to com. So keep us in your prayers as we begin these two new journeys.

Derek D. Robertson

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous