Monday, May 25, 2009

O Lots Of Stuff

Well, its been like two weeks since I have had a chance to blog. The
thing that has held me back the most is the little one. He is all over
the place. He has found his leg strength and is crawling everywhere.
I also have been extra busy at work with the move and doing a church
install and whatever things my boss can think of. I am almost done
with getting the shop back in order even tho my boss thinks it should
have been done a week ago. I got a little defensive and told him he
could do it himself. He started to get a little huffy puffy but I
think he rethought things and realized if I was not doing it it would
be a year or so before he got it to a real working order. The one
thing I am learning the most from him is how not to be a boss. There
is no Branding of any kind , he has never written down a business
plan, and is always changing his mind on what kind of work he wants to
do. He is also against using the Internet to advertise. I really just
think he is scared that he would get a bunch of big jobs and not be
ready for it.
Anyway better things will come. Now onward to more of our life. We are
very much so growing out of our digs but know we are going to have to
wait a little more on that. We are hoping in August which will be the
three year mark that we have owned our third floor condo. We rented it
for like a year and a half before the owner decided to sell it to us.
We are looking forward to getting on a first floor situation.
Like I said earlier Bryson is crawling and getting into everything.We
took him to the Zoo yesterday. I know he did not know exactly what was
going on but by the looks on his face he enjoyed it. We then went to
our friends Brad and Erin Van Denmark for some food and fun. Our boys
had a good time playing together and we have pics to prove it. Like I
said a lot has happened lately and I just can't remember it all. I
think I am going to follow my pastors advice and start journaling. I
think that will help me with my blog as far as remembering what all
Parents visit till Zoo

Happy blogging

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Movin on up

No, we as a family are not moving but the gent I work with is moving his warehouse space and it is physically 3 feet up from where he is now. We are moving into the space in this warehouse  park that is 3 feet higher than the building we were in. It also had a doorway at one time that allowed for you to go from building to building but it has been blocked up but when you go to the other side there is a sliding door.

Last week we started teaming up with our neighbors for this move  because they were going to move into the current space we where in. The big problem was they just couldn't close their doors  and move. They needed to keep business going because they provide the carpet installation for Home Depot in this neck of the woods. They probably have like 30 installs a day. So we teamed up and put a plan together  and it worked. They started shifting things around so that we could start moving in and we did the same and we never hit a hiccup yet. The only thing that I noticed was there delivery trucks didn't get the memo and would back up to what is our dock now to realize they had to move their truck again. 

All in all it went well and tomorrow they will move the last girl in the office over to their new building without skipping a beat. Which is exciting for me cause I will be able to set up my office finally.

Now as far as the fam we are just doing our best to figure out this whole parenthood thing. I would say the two most exciting things that happened were Bryson is starting the process of crawling. He hasn't quite figured out how to stay on all fours but he did figure out how to go from his belly to his but. It was quite exciting. The other thing was that our village always celebrates certain holidays and so what Holiday was it. Well, I will give you a hint It was on the 5th of May. Yes, Cinco De Mayo.(sp). So our village had a little shin dig and the exciting thing for us was a night free of cooking. The food was good and provided by Blue Coast Burritos which will be setting up shop in our development which means more temptation not to cook. Cause it was good stuff. Well ,I will work on posting more pics and vids. I might even spit out a blog this weekend. Also feel free to check out my picasa and vids. Also Bryson Boy has a blog to. Feel free to email me for all info.

Till then Happy blogging.

Sent from Nashville, TN, United States
Bernard Baruch  - "Vote for the man who promises least; he'll be the least disappointing."

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Can't Keep Up

Well, so much has gone on here at the Robertson house hold in the last month. Nickies parents came in for one week, then here brother and then my parents this last week. On top of all that I have have been packing and moving our warehouse. So I have a bunch of video and pics to post to let everyone else see all the fun.

For now I will just try to recap the week of my folks being here. Monday Nickie and I went to BBC's New and expectant parents dinner which is something the church does every two months. Its nice because we don't have to cook dinner and if we want they have child care. So it's almost like a date night and better yet it's free. They also always have someone come speak and tell us their experiences as parents. It is usually fun,inspiring, and uplifting.

Tuesday and Wednesday were pickup days before mom and dad got here on Thursday. When they did get here dad wanted to go to the Ryman and watch what they call the Opry Classics. I also needed to get the truck to the garage to replace the starter so dad followed me and we dropped the truck off on the way to the show.

Friday I headed home for some dinner with the fam and downtime. Dad and I then went to hear some bluegrass at an unamed place because they adjitated me. The people behind had fowl and loud mouths. After a few hard stares and them not getting the hint I looked the one square in the face and told him to knock it off. I was out numbered 5 to 1.Two minutes later they left. Works for me. Then I went to get a refill which was not free but full price of 3 dollars for a Coke. The only reason I will ever go back is if my dad wants to go otherwise they are not getting my money. So the second half of the show was more enjoyable.

Saturday we went downtown Nolensville,TN for a car show and antique shopping.

Sunday we went to church and then downtown Franklin,TN for the Main Street festival where Grandma and grandpa spoiled us and mainly Bryson.We had some good eats and old school soda. Then in an effort to put Bryson in my back pack carrier I accidently swung him a little to far and he cracked his head on a little mail box on the side of a building. We were a major scene there for awhile because Nickie cried bloody Mary right there on the side walk. Bryson was okay I just don't know if he will let me carry him in the back pack anymore:(

Monday we just chilled after work and then Tuesday I got out of work early and headed to Costco. We just milled around and mom and dad helped stock our cubboards:) Well I will try to post some vids and pics.

Happy Blogging Derek D. Robertson

Nolensville car show

Fred Allen - "The last time I saw him he was walking down lover's lane holding his own hand."

Posted via email from derekdrobertson's posterous