I am really starting to understand what my parents meant when they said where does the time go. I know I sound like a broken record but it is just going and I just want to enjoy life. I want to go Skydiving, Rocky mountain climbing, and 3.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu. That sounds like words to a good song. Dang Tim Mcrgaw already recorded it ( didn't write it but recorded it. There is a difference).
Well, my head is being attacked by my ADD. There is just so much going on in there. I do really want to enjoy life and it has only taken 32 years plus but I am starting to realize that yes God knows my next step but I have the free will to make things happen in my life. If you want something bad enough you should go after it and although I did move to Nashville for my dreams It is just not a matter of moving. It's putting yourself out there. I have done so but still no major luck. Yes, I am working in the industry but just not exactly the way I wanted to. At the same time I have learned alot of things that I might not have learned had I been able to get the gig of my dreams. Which doesn't make sense but you would understand if you were here but your not so don't worry about it.
Although, I am very passionate about Pro Audio I have found a new habit that will be something that I can do whether I am good at it or not. Now, golfing is fun and hunting and ping pong but I have gone with blogging and twittering(there free) and other social networking avenues. Now, I have compared my social networking sites to others and some of them aren't quite as detailed or full of as much experience but the neat things about sites like Linkd In and Plaxo is that they grow with you. So no I can't get on there and put in a life's worth of experiences because I am only 32. So all in all I just want to encourage you to live life to the fullest. I am just starting to enjoy life. Now I can't say my old tendency' won't come up but it's a goal.
I want to add a link to a blog I have started reading. The author is Michael Hyatt. Mr. Hyatt is a big advocate of twittering and blogging and has just redone his blog. I have been very inspired by Mr. Hyatt in his efforts on his blog because he was using a little more professional service and then found out there was a better service. Now, he and his blog designer have been working countless hours, days and weeks on getting the blog converted from one place to another. It has not been easy but I can hear the excitement in his voice because he knows once all the big kinks are worked out he will have a great product. I enjoy blogging but I am still an amateur and I don't have quite the following he does but I am not the CEO of a major company. So all that to check out Mr. Hyatt's blog. Especially this last one about the economy it was a real encouragement. Actually I have the link to the blog to the collumn on the left. Ha made ya look its actually on the right side. You know the one that has all that gobbley gook that you probably don't ever look at. So please take time which I know you don't have much of but you will enjoy it and my other blogging friends. Now, Mr. Hyatt breaks his bloggs into categories so you know what type of info your getting into. I haven't reached that level yet but I will be working on it.
P.S. Sorry Pops no pics or vids this week guess you will have to read what your son inlaw is up to. So go get your glasses.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
In Fast Trouble
Well that week has gone fast. I mean I really enjoy blogging but I am having a hard time recollecting where the week went. I know one thing and that is my mom called me as soon as she read the blogg. I mean I knew when I saw her name on the caller id that I was about to ge an ear ful. Although she knows me and knows my humor. That is one side of me that this blog allows for. I can say anything I want and not get in any real trouble because if I were to offend anyone they would quit reading my blog.
Like anyone really reads this but when they do whether they leave a response or not (which by the way is at the bottom of every post) I know if you a have been bad or good. My father inlaw being a generation or two gap away does not understand why I do this. I tell him it's the cheapest form of therapy to smacking his daughter around ( I am soooooo just kidding I would never do that. Now, I might choke her again just kidding, I am so in trouble now) but all kidding aside it is good therapy for me and thats why I will continue to do this wether anyone reads it or not. I just hope none of my old english teachers read it. The computer monitor would be red with sharpie. That's a joke even though most of them were blondes. I never thought of that they were blondes and Mrs. Samson was a good looking one. Ok wake up JR. high is over. So like I said my father inlaw doesn't quite get it and wonders why anyone would want to put their personal information out there on the information highway. Like I am giving away my social or something. Like I said a few generations apart and a hard working blue collar man. Although like most men I can catch him with the pictures and videos. So as long as I keep the pics and vids of his grandson coming he kind of looks at my blog.
Now back to the fact this week has blown by and it probably because Monday we went to a new parent dinner at our church. Which was nice because it was one less meal and a time to feel associated with other adults outside of work. Tuesday was Nickies night so I have to shut off my ADD and FOCUS ON BRYSON. Which is a chore for me. Don't get me wrong I love the boy to death it's just that sometimes completely focusing on one the thing is not easy for me. So when it comes to bed time I am so ready. Each week we do it though it gets better mainly cause Bryson smacks me and says dad put down you Mac and play with me.
Okay on with the week. Wednesday was somewhat of a chill night because we watched several people emabarrass themselves on AI (American Idol) which is always fun. Now it's Thursday which is the new day I attempt to do my blogg and get some extra twittering in otherwise I will drive Nickie nuts. Ah, who I am kidding I do that now matter what.
Well I hope the rest of your week goes well and make sure you set yourelf up with a twitter account. Then after you do that you can forward particular people you want to follow like me to you cellphone and then you really can know what I am up to.
Happy blogging and twittering
Like anyone really reads this but when they do whether they leave a response or not (which by the way is at the bottom of every post) I know if you a have been bad or good. My father inlaw being a generation or two gap away does not understand why I do this. I tell him it's the cheapest form of therapy to smacking his daughter around ( I am soooooo just kidding I would never do that. Now, I might choke her again just kidding, I am so in trouble now) but all kidding aside it is good therapy for me and thats why I will continue to do this wether anyone reads it or not. I just hope none of my old english teachers read it. The computer monitor would be red with sharpie. That's a joke even though most of them were blondes. I never thought of that they were blondes and Mrs. Samson was a good looking one. Ok wake up JR. high is over. So like I said my father inlaw doesn't quite get it and wonders why anyone would want to put their personal information out there on the information highway. Like I am giving away my social or something. Like I said a few generations apart and a hard working blue collar man. Although like most men I can catch him with the pictures and videos. So as long as I keep the pics and vids of his grandson coming he kind of looks at my blog.
Now back to the fact this week has blown by and it probably because Monday we went to a new parent dinner at our church. Which was nice because it was one less meal and a time to feel associated with other adults outside of work. Tuesday was Nickies night so I have to shut off my ADD and FOCUS ON BRYSON. Which is a chore for me. Don't get me wrong I love the boy to death it's just that sometimes completely focusing on one the thing is not easy for me. So when it comes to bed time I am so ready. Each week we do it though it gets better mainly cause Bryson smacks me and says dad put down you Mac and play with me.
Okay on with the week. Wednesday was somewhat of a chill night because we watched several people emabarrass themselves on AI (American Idol) which is always fun. Now it's Thursday which is the new day I attempt to do my blogg and get some extra twittering in otherwise I will drive Nickie nuts. Ah, who I am kidding I do that now matter what.
Well I hope the rest of your week goes well and make sure you set yourelf up with a twitter account. Then after you do that you can forward particular people you want to follow like me to you cellphone and then you really can know what I am up to.
Happy blogging and twittering
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Mom Turns 60
Well Well my mom turned 60 this week and dad turned 61 the week before. It's just hard to believe that they have reached this age. I mean when I was five and someone said they were 60 they had white hair (mom pulls hers out) and false teeth ( I think she is going in for dentures next week). I just don't see all that in my parent's. Well dad is getting pretty white. So all that to say congrats to mom and dad. Keep kicking.( I am power of attorney right? Remember you said if I promised to take you in when you needed diapers again I would get power of attorney)
Last week was an ok week but a long one. Monday was a Monday. I got into work and there was no Internet service due to the fact the people we sublease from decided not to pay the bill. Then I called them to ask why and they started crying because a few months ago they moved out to another building because we sub leasers were taking to much space and they needed more room. So they moved out. Well fine if that's what you want to do. Let me explain how unprofessional these businessmen are. They signed a contract to a warehouse next door a couple of years ago. Then that place got filled up because they saw extra money to help pay the bills but then crowed themselves. Then just this past summer they moved into a third space. So now they have three warehouses that they leasing and subleasing. All the while leaving their phones and fax setup in the first building. So they have the phone forwarded to a cell phone. Then they complain about phone bills. So they cried about the fact that we have our offices over here now so we don't need it over there. Well that's not our fault and to top it off there are three to four other people paying for the internet at 20 bucks a month which comes to 80 dollars which to me sounds steep. Another funny thing is they tried using Majickjack so they didn't have to switch there business line over to the other building and were planning on forwarding their business line to that. Well that bombed because it locked up their computer. So it goes to show you when you run your business from a non traditional way (ghetto, redneck ,white trash way I am trying to be politically correct) it will bite you in the but. So the bill finally got paid and Internet is back but it really messed my day. We have really got our self's in a situation where we really depend on the net.
Now Tuesday I had to go to Chattanooga to put up security cameras in a club. I left for Chattanooga around 7 am and got back to Nashville around 11 pm. Not a fun day. The Wednesday I ended up having to go to Hopkinsville,KY to return and put equipment back in place that was repaired from a lightning strike. The lighting actually traveled down the phone audio and video lines. So it took out a bunch of different things that we had to get repaired or replaced for them to get a check from insurance.
Thursday I was going to jet out early because I have been asked to keep my hours to 4o which is fine and I am just thankful for a job during this hard time. So I am thinking about leaving early and all of the sudden oh you need to go to this club and set up this projector. So again another long day.
Today I had a big day planned and well it did not go at all to plan. I had all these things I was going to do and will probably only get a couple done. Oh well such is life.
Take care and happy blogging.
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