Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well ,this has been an interesting week. First of all we have survived over a week now of Obama. I am sure he is doing things that I would not agree on but I pray he will do things I like and agree with. I just have to keep reminding myself that Obama is not in charge. He did not create this world and he will not be able to completely destroy this world.

OK politics over. As far as the family we are still here and finding out what teething is. Bryson has two toofers in the bottom gum and one in the top. So we are not getting a full nights rest but at the same time we are blessed because he is healthy and does not have cholic or any other major issues. At the same time this whole teething thing is still not fun for us but we do know it could be worse. So the other night in my efforts to soothe my son to sleep I gave him this medicine that is all natural so the bottle says. So I give him this medicine in the middle of the night. I wasn't soothing him so Nickie comes in because after she gets me out of bed to check on him I have like a minute to soothe him and if I don't she comes in asks what the heck I am doing. It's becomin a routine. So the other night I am giving him the medicine to soothe him and Nickie walks in after I drug our son so I thought. Nickie walks in and says WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I said giving him some medicine. Well let me rewind this a little. Bryson was not wanting to sleep and I suggested giving him the medicine and she blew me off so I thought. So as Nickie continued to try to soothe him and to know avail did she walks in the bedroom and says your turn. Alrighty then I am going in with the plan of drugging him.

Now back to the WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I said since you weren't going to give him the drugs I will. She responded back I already gave him some. OOps! So now what ? Well Nickie starts running around the house banging her head and saying what do I do What do I do? I should have told you that I ended up giving him some. We'll we called the Pediatricians office at three am. They connected us to poison control. Yes, this is poison control? Uh yes one of our patience gave their child to much of a teething medicine what should they do? Well read me the ingredients. Oh okay you can go back to bed now because Disney has fooled you into buying their medicine that is basically candy. What? What do you mean candy , well that drug basically is just a calming agent and does not actually do anything for the pain so give him a teething ring and go back to bed.

We had to laugh when it was all said and done but it was not fun at three am. I was just waiting for Nickie to throw on her coat and drag me and Bryson to the emergency room. Thankfully She did not react that way.

There is good news though I have found a new addiction and it's called Twitter. It's the hottest new drug on the market and best of all it is FREE. Yes, i said free. Okay I am exaggerating about the drug part but if this what a drug feels like hook me up. Twitter is not like facebook or myspace. It can be linked to your myspace , facebook or whatever other social network you are on. The cool thing is you can have these tweets as they call them sent to your phone via text messsages. It has been a blast because a lot of the time I am on my own during the day and so when I get these tweets from various people that I am following it makes me feel like I am still part of this world. Other things you can do is reply to peoples remarks or questions. It's a very interactive social thing and a lot of fun in the mean time. So if you are a Twitter send me tweet.

I am following a lot of Christian artist personally and different news sources. Its cool because I am able to select who gets forwarded to my cell phone and who doesn't. So go check it out and start twittering your favorite peeps and keep up with what they are doing through out their day.

So happy Twittering and Blogging.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well as you can see I have really been stretching the gap between blogs. It's not on purpose thats for sure. We are just trying to get a handle on this baby thing. It's a wonder this world gets anything done. I mean we get home ,eat dinner, clean up, take a shower and the next thing you know it's time to go back to bed. Now, before Bryson there were nights it felt like that but now it's like everynight. The weekends are basically a time to catch up with the week but you don't want to feel like all you do is work around the house. So you go out and do something and then come home and see the work in front of you and feel guilty for going out and having fun. I know alot of people can let their house go. I can't. I know to that watching him grow is more important than things of this earth. At the same time if we slack we only have a 1000 sq. ft. so you will be tripping on something. Which has me thinking what are we going to do when Bryson is walking? We did talk to the realtor last week but she told us to wait. She said yes we could get a good home for a low price but the sacrifice would be that we would have to take a loss on our home. It would be one thing if we had lived here for ten years or more but with us only owing the house for two years we just haven't paid enough down yet.

Well, this past weekend we did get out and went to an RV show. I am a big fan of RV's and would drive one as daily vehichle if I could. I mean to have all the amenities at your leisure like sattelite so you could watch/listen to the nightly news on your commute home or if your tired of sitting in traffic pull over and take a nap on a mattress that is exactly like home. Another bonus is you can pull over and go the bathroom anytime you want instead of having to hold it for thirty minutes till you get home. I think you get the point. The pros out weigh the cons for sure.

All in all things are trucking along. Nickie has been getting bounced around a little bit because other clinics are short staffed for one reason or another and her clinic isn't all that busy. So I hope that quits soon and her clinic get's more clinetel. I am still working in the trenches for the audio, video and lighting installation company. This to shall pass is what I tell myself everyday. At the same time I am thankful I have a job during these rough times. Bryson is growing like a weed and his personality is growing also.

Well till next blogging sea ya later.

I added some more pics to the christmas album so it's not total deja vu

Christmas 08

Monday, January 12, 2009

The New Year

Well, I hope this New Year is a treating you well. Nickie and I have started the new year by starting the process of looking for a new crib . No not a baby crib a big boy and girl crib called a house. Yes, we want a bigger crib which does by the way remind me that Bryson is now sleeping in his big boy crib. We figured we could only bend his knees so long to cram him in the bassonet just so Nickie could keep him close. Any way we are starting the whole house process. We found a sweet lady through Nickies work and she was so hard up for work I mean eager to make money to buy groceries, I mean was very sincere about taking our money. I think really does want to help us find our new crib and sell ours. We are not desperate yet but I am fed up with all our neighbors and the fact that I can reach out and touch them. So we are just praying about it and we know in these tough times God will open the doors.

Bryson is growing like crazy. Last week he went to the DR and she said he was 13lbs. 10 oz. and 24 1/2 in and a good clean bill of health. He has also started teething.

Nickie is enjoying her shorter commute. She can drop off Bryson at Day care and then be at work in 15 minutes. What a blessing.

I am still working the crazy crew that I have been working with for the past 2 1/2 yrs. I have to be careful what I say because I don't know who is reading this.

Well I am feeling lazy and so this blog will be short and not very entertaining.

Happy Blogging

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

It's amazing when you have a child how fast time does really go. I was at New expant dinner at my church before Christmas and the guest speaker was our Senior pastor Mike Glenn and his wife Jeannie. They both took turns explaing what it was like to be parents and the one thing that they both said was that they remeber looking at their boys when they were 3 months and then blinked to see they were twenty five. They also went on to say now when they were going through life it seemed like forever but now looking back they say where did it go.I am totally seeing how this could be so true.

Well we are on to the new year. We had a good trip to PA to see all our folks. We decided to drive up at night so we left the 19th at 9:30 pm and arrived 9:30 am on the 20th at my folks to drop off our first born buddy the cat. Then finished the trip by driving to Nickie's folks.

On Sunday we got tricked into playig Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus. So my parents drove up to see us but had to leave unexpectedly because someone had broken into their home. Now, let me explain how stupid this criminal was. He first of all drove to our house, then broke the front door in, ransacked the house, found the garage key and used the key to open the door. I was like what in the world. To top it all off my dad's laptop was sitting out in plain sight along with my brothers computer. The crook ransacked the house and to this day my parents have not been able to find anything missing. He definitely was one of the worlds stupidest criminals. So thank God he was as dumb as he was because they caught him 5 hrs later. So Christmas was not destroyed. He unfotunately did hit two other homes and got away with 150 dollars from one lady and threatened her with a gun he probably didn't even have .

Another funny thing about this situation was that my sister in law and brother were visting also and had just bought a puppy. So the only reason my mom and dad knew that they got robbed was that she left their church to go let the puppy out. After she let the puppy out and came back in she started looking around and thinking I can't believe my mother in law would leave her house in such a mess. closet doors were open. droors in the kitchen and bedrooms were open and stuff on the floor oh wait this isn't right I better call them. So just as we were going to make our big debut on the stage my mom and dad went running out the door and said we just go robbed we got to go. I was like huh. We had our mailbox hit a couple of times but never was anything stolen. The funny thing was when my sis in law called my parents to let them know what happened my mom asked Emily where she was and she said I am here at the house. Mom said Emily has it ever occured to you that he could still be there. Oh no I didn't think of that. Well then get OUT!!! So anyway all was well.

Well we were able to laugh it all off and just enjoy the family. So mom and dad drove back up to Erie and went to my moms sisters and had their little shindig. Afterwards they stopped in at Nickie's folks to visit and give us all the details.

Monday other than meeting her family for lunch we hung out at her parents all day.

Tuesday we hung at her parents for the most part and then made the trek down to my folks. We stayed there till Christmas afternoon and then headed back to her folks for the rest of Christmas day , Friday, and part of Saturday. Then we went back to my folks for the rest of the day on Saturday. We hung out there till 11 pm and we hit the road jack and we will go back.

So all in all we had a good time. We had a white Christamas so that was nice and both the kids traveled well for being caged up for a day.

Happy New Blogging year.

The Robertsons

Christmas 08