Now, on top of all that this is the third year that I have to help my one boss with a gig at a pentecostal church. I mean pentecostal. I mean dancing,speaking in tounges and music like you have never heard before. The music is more like a chant that could go on as long as they feel the spirit moving. It's nothing like you have ever seen in your life. In fact this is the church that Robert Randolph came out of. This event starts for us way before the actual event. We go in and make sure all the eqipment is in good shape and usually make additions to the sound and the like. then the event starts on a Wednesday and goes to the following Friday so its a good week and a half. The funny thing is we do all this work get them up and going ,work out some kinks and then they think hey we got it from here you can go home. Not cool but their the client so you just let them do what they want I guess.
So on a family note. We are doing well. Nickie and I both attended a baby class last Saturday and this Satuday. Oh what fun. Its hard to believe but Nickie is entering the 7th month of pregnancy . So Last Saturday I was at HardRock till 2 am then came home went to bed,got up and went to the class. Then came home to take a nap, and then went back to HardRock. When I got finished there went back home to bed ,got up and went to church then I wanted to go out to lunch and then Nickie wanted to shopping for two hours for one pair of shorts. I was beat and couldn't wait to go home and go to bed.
So this should be another busy week but hopefully profitable. We also have had to put the truck in the garage twice this week. Cars are such a necessary evil. What I hate is seeing people putting money into their wheels for fun and I am doing it just so it will run.
Anyways, till next time.
Happy blogging
Happy blogging